Dark Energy: Astronomers Inch Toward Solving Space Riddle (Time.com)

Monday, March 7, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

You've belike never heard of a accumulation famous as NGC 6264, and you've sure never presented it a flooded aggregation of thought. But the extreme star clump has meet provided astronomers with newborn brainwave into one of the most occult forces in the universe.

To see that obligate even a little, think most the last instance you threw a ballgame straightforward up in the air. What happened was what module ever hap as long as you live on earth: gravity prefabricated the ball slow, kibosh and start backwards to the ground. If you were born on the planet Krypton and landed here as a baby, the ball would reach escape rate and dispense into outmost space. (See the crowning 10 technological discoveries of 2010.)

Astronomers disagreeable to see the story of the aggregation hit long intellection of galaxies as huge, shiny baseballs. They were flung outward most 13 billion eld ago, in the Big Bang; that's ground the aggregation is expanding. But whether they would someday kibosh and reverse direction under their mutual gravity or ready feat forever wasn't clear. To amount it out, two teams of observers decided more than a decennium instance to countenance deep into the cosmic past, by scrutiny the rate of extremely extreme galaxies with that of fireman ones. The farther you person into space, the farther you person backwards in time, and so if the more farther galaxies are air unconnected faster than the near ones, that effectuation the slowdown has already begun. If not, it module belike never happen.

To the astronomers' amazement, they institute that the aggregation is actually expanding faster today than it was billions of eld ago. It's as though the ballgame had a herb attached. And the exclusive pat account was that whatever mysterious, concealed source of forcefulness must be pushing the aggregation unconnected faster and faster every the time.

That occult obligate came to be famous as Stygian energy, and to fellow nobody has figured discover just what it is. All astronomers undergo is that Stygian forcefulness seems to make up more than 70% of the matter-energy content of the universe. The rest is mostly the equally occult Stygian matter. Ordinary concern - the clog that stars, planets and people are prefabricated of - amounts to a pair of percent at best. Theorists hit modern a bunch of competing ideas most the nature of Stygian forcefulness - including Albert Einstein, who planned a form of Stygian forcefulness called the "cosmological constant" nearly 100 eld ago. Even physicist kept things pretty vague, venturing exclusive that his unceasing would ready the obligate of horror the aforementioned everyplace in the aggregation - and that's as good a surmisal as we've had ever since. (See pictures of Albert Einstein.)

"Shake a tree flooded of theorists and 20 ideas module start out," is how Adam Riess of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., a co-discoverer of Stygian energy, described it to TIME in 2001. To amount discover who's right module verify a farther more fine activity than anyone has finished to date.

That's ground a newborn attending by scientists at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, in Virginia, could be so important. By linking a group of far-flung broadcasting telescopes into a virtual magnifier thousands of miles across, James Braatz and Cheng-Yu Kuo hit rhythmic the indifference to accumulation NGC 6264 to an quality of 450 million light-years from Earth, provide or verify 9%.

That's crucial, because patch it's ultimate to manoeuvre how alacritous a accumulation is moving, you also requirement to undergo just where it is. Imagine that a car is accelerating toward you, and you poverty to undergo when it module zip by. To intend that, you requirement to undergo not exclusive how alacritous it's feat at any presented moment, but also how farther absent it is. (Read "Dark Matter: New Evidence on How Galaxies Are Born.")

Astronomers already hit structure of measuring distance, but they're based on a grouping of steps. The prototypal is a direct activity of the indifference to a nearby cosmic goal using the aforementioned parallax method sailors use. Next, that activity is utilised to gauge the indifference to farther objects, which are utilised in turn to manoeuvre still farther ones, and so on. Each of these steps introduces errors, so it would be meliorate to manoeuvre extreme galaxies directly.

That's what Braatz and Kuo hit done. They've homed in on the black hole at the set of NGC 6264 - or more precisely, the round of pedal that swirls around it before existence sucked into oblivion. Water molecules in the round act as uncolored masers - essentially, they're lasers that transfer in broadcasting frequencies kinda than circumpolar light. With those masers performing as beacons, the astronomers utilised a azygos broadcasting magnifier to amount discover the actual size of the disk. Then they utilised their virtual broadcasting to manoeuvre its apparent size - how tiny it looks at such an large distance. It's something same knowing the actual size of a grayness dollar, sight how big it appears across a field, then asking yourself, "How farther absent would it hit to be to seem that small?" (Comment on this story.)

This isn't the prototypal instance Braatz and Kuo hit performed this trick, but it's the utmost accumulation they've attempted to survey. "We hit added sextet or so in the can," says Braatz, "and we finally poverty 10 or so." It's also not the most fine activity ever made: the old-fashioned, step-by-step technique is accurate to within 6%. Ultimately, though, Braatz hopes to intend the newborn method down to 3% accuracy. "It's hard work," he admits. "There's no guarantee we crapper do it."

If they can, though, it module bring theorists a travel fireman to discernment what Stygian forcefulness rattling is - and maybe even vindicating Einstein. That would be ironic. Back in the 1920s, physicist forsaken the construct of the cosmogenic constant, occupation it "the large bungle of my life." If Stygian forcefulness rattling does match his long-ago idea, his large bungle could also turn discover to be his test triumph.

See awful pictures of the sun.

See "The Hubble Space Telescope's Greatest Hits."

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