EPA: Abandoned Calif. mercury mine a toxic hazard (AP)

Friday, March 11, 2011 3:01 PM By dwi

SAN FRANCISCO – An forsaken metal mine that for decades has dispatched polluted, orange squander into a watercourse that yet feeds into San Francisco Bay is a threat to human upbeat and should be additional to a itemize of the nation's poorest impure places, federal environmental regulators say.

The New Idria metal mine in remote San Benito County was shuttered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1972 because of dirtying from piles of mine squander and the site's towering blast furnace. For decades, however, the authority refused to add it to the National Priorities List, which qualifies a place for jillions of dollars in federal programme lucre funding.

This week, the EPA planned organisation the place — a assemblage and a half after The Associated Press reported that federal and land regulators had unsuccessful to decent it despite their possess studies display the mine was polluting nearby streams and making seek vulnerable to eat. The Blue Ledge conductor and metal mine, along the Rogue River nearby the Oregon border, is also being advisable for programme status.

"In 2010, we realized ... that our previous investigations had not sampled in areas that were probable compact (and) that the personalty were probable much far downstream than we previously thought," a assemble of EPA's mine experts said in an e-mailed response to questions from the AP about the planned change.

"Additional investigate was conducted by USGS and another universities that elucidated our understanding of the fate and instrumentation of metal in general, and specifically from the New Idria site; and, that the topical and land authority efforts were not adequate to come the impacts," the EPA said.

Today, New Idria is an unnatural specter municipality tucked amid kine ranches. The consort that owned the mine when it closed oversubscribed it in the 1980s, and officials hit been disagreeable to figure discover who's responsible for it now.

The hulking shackle shell of the blast furnace ease looms over the wreckage of forsaken buildings and small homes where mine workers lived. Bright orange water from digit of the some mine tunnels ease spits into a bet that drains finished hill-sized piles of mercury-tainted mine squander and into San Carlos Creek, which flows into the San Joaquin River.

Records exhibit that in 1997, the EPA found metal in the watercourse prodigious federal standards and dispatched a "high priority" referral to land water calibre regulators warning that the cyanogenic element could be migrating into a popular fishing Atlantic and yet to the Delta-Mendota Canal, "a drinking water transfer to another parts of California."

Despite this and another evidence, neither the EPA nor land regulators conducted lucre dealings to stem the flow of pollutants into the creek.

Once in a watercourse or river, metal travels up the matter concern finished bacteria, which converts it to methylmercury — a multipotent toxin that can permanently alteration the mentality and troubled system, especially in fetuses and children.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls methylmercury digit of the nation's most serious dangerous squander problems and says it is a possible carcinogen. The CDC says that grouping who regularly spend rotten seek are at venture of headaches, tingling, tremors and alteration to the mentality and troubled system.

Mining in California's inshore mountains for mercury, which was used to extract metallic from mines in the Sierra Nevada, ceased decades ago, but at small 550 metal mines were mitt behind. One U.S. Geological Survey individual says the total haw be as broad as 2,000.

Studies hit found that tens of thousands of grouping in Federal California, especially necessitous grouping who seek to place matter on the table, verify seek caught from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and San Francisco Bay, which contains metal in amounts that top federal standards.

Abandoned metallic and metal mines hit been cited as the source of much of this pollution, which is expected to verify decades to decent up.

"Kids are ease getting unclothed to metal by intake fish, and this is digit of the most multipotent neurotoxins we know of, so it's essential for our government to protect public upbeat and attain it a antecedency to decent up these sites," said Deb Self, chief administrator of San Francisco Baykeeper.

The EPA module attain a final selection on adding the place to its priorities itemize after a public comment period and boost review.



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