Federal researchers declare eastern cougar extinct (AP)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 11:01 AM By dwi

ALLENTOWN, Pa. – The "ghost cat" is meet that.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on weekday proclaimed the orient panther to be extinct, confirming a widely held belief among wildlife biologists that native populations of the bounteous felid were wiped discover by man a century ago.

After a daylong review, federal officials over there are no nurture populations of cougars — also famous as pumas, panthers, elevation lions and catamounts — in the orient United States. Researchers conceive the orient panther subspecies has belike been nonexistent since the 1930s.

Wednesday's declaration paves the artefact for the orient panther to be removed from the endangered species list, where it was settled in 1973. The agency's decision to tell the orient panther nonexistent does not affect the status of the Florida panther, added endangered wildcat.

Some panther enthusiasts hit daylong insisted there's a diminutive nurture population of orient cougars, locution the secretive cats hit only eluded spotting — thus the "ghost cat" moniker. The wildlife assist said weekday it addicted 108 sightings between 1900 and 2010, but that these animals either free or were free from captivity, or migrated from western states to the Midwest.

"The Fish and Wildlife Service full believes that whatever people hit seen cougars, and that was an important conception of the analyse that we did," said Mark McCollough, a Fish and Wildlife Service biologist who led the orient panther review. "We went on to evaluate where these animals would be reaching from."

A nurture population of orient cougars would nearly certainly hit mitt grounds of its existence, he said. Cats would hit been hit by cars or caught in traps, mitt tracks in the deceive or turned up on whatever of the hundreds of thousands of dawdle cameras that extend Eastern forests.

But researchers hit become up empty.

The private Eastern Cougar Foundation, for example, spent a decennium hunting for evidence. Finding none, it denaturized its name to the Cougar Rewilding Foundation terminal year and shifted its pore from confirming sightings to advocating for the restoration of the bounteous felid to its pre-colonial habitat. The wildlife assist said it has no dominance low the Endangered Species Act to inform the elevation cat to the East.

Once widely dispersed throughout the orient United States, the elevation cat was every but wiped discover by the invoke of the terminal century. Cougars were killed in vast numbers, and states modify held bounties. A nearly harmful fall in white-tailed cervid — the main prey of elevation lions — also contributed to the species' extirpation.

McCollough said the terminal disorderly panther was believed to hit been killed in Maine in 1938.

"If there were cougars extant in the wild, or had someways survived since dweller contact, there would be a aggregation of clew of those animals, a aggregation of grounds they are present," McCollough said.

The wildlife assist aerated the orient panther as a crisp subspecies, modify though whatever biologists today conceive it is genetically the aforementioned as its western brethren, which is crescendo in number and extending its range. Some experts conceive that elevation lions module yet make their artefact backwards East.

The loss of a top-level predator same the panther has had biology consequences, including an discharge in the cervid population and a same fall in the upbeat of Eastern forests.






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