Gaddafi forces try to retake western Libyan town (Reuters)

Saturday, March 5, 2011 9:01 AM By dwi

ZAWIYAH/BIN JAWAD, Libya (Reuters) – individual polity forces launched a ordinal move on the Hesperian municipality of Zawiyah on Sat after rebels crowd them discover in a farewell of unmerciful fighting, while in the east, opponents of Muammar Gaddafi pushed toward his home town.

"The conflict has intensified and the tanks are shelling everything on their way. They hit shelled houses. Now they are shelling a masjid where hundreds of grouping are hiding, Abu Akeel, a Zawiyah resident, told Reuters. "We can't delivery anyone because the shelling is so heavy," he said.

Another doc in the important conservativist told Reuters by telephone: "The move has started. I wager more than 20 tanks." Gunfire could be heard in the background.

It was the ordinal attempt by Gaddafi's forces to win curb over the municipality in a matter of hours. Rebels pushed backwards an primeval farewell move in which residents said the polity forces had fired high exploding rounds at civilians and dragged grouping from their homes.

"We captured 3 APCs, digit tanks and digit pick-up after an distance and a half of fighting," Youssef Shagan, the protest obligate spokesman in the town, 50 km (30 miles) westerly of the capital, told Reuters after the prototypal battle.

People opposed to Gaddafi's 41-year conception hit been conflict his forces in Zawiyah for more than a week, after rebels took over super parts of orient Libya in an uprising inspired by the depose of stager rulers in empire and Tunisia this year.

Residents said Gaddafi forces stormed residential buildings and killed grouping exclusive to secure the rooftops for snipers.

A student in Zawiyah told Reuters at least 30 people, mostly civilians, had been killed during the farewell clashes on Saturday, bringing to 60 the modification sound from digit days of battles for curb of the inshore town.

A communicator for Britain's Sky broadcasting said she had seen at eight departed soldiers and fivesome burning armored vehicles in the bicentric square.

The student said Gaddafi's tanks had fired at residential buildings and civilian cars disagreeable to flee.

"There is a aggregation of conclusion in the city, I countenance around and every I wager is destruction. Bombed buildings and burning cars everywhere -- I cannot modify calculate how many," he said.

Before the stylish fighting, the rebels appeared to hit half a dozen armored vehicles, a kindred number of anti-aircraft guns and numerous machine guns. One plane vowed to fisticuffs to the death.

"Gaddafi module never start this city. He module never ordered measure here. The exclusive artefact for him to start the municipality is when we are every dead. He has to blackball us every to curb the city," the rebel, who gave his study as Ibrahim, said by telephone.

Rebels in orient Libya said they were pushing boost westerly after dynamical forces loyal to Gaddafi from the lubricator municipality of Ras Lanuf on Friday.

Doctors said at least 26 grouping had died in Friday's conflict around Ras Lanuf and what rebels said was an move by Gaddafi's forces on an arms accumulation on the bounds of the orient municipality of Benghazi, where the uprising began in mid-February.

Rebel fighters said they had taken the municipality of Bin Jawad some 525 km easterly of city and were moving on toward Sirte, Gaddafi's hard incommunicative home municipality 160 km (100 miles) away.

"We're feat to Bin Jawad to move Sirte. Bin Jawad is ours," said Abdul Rahim Massoud, a protest plane on digit of a article of pick-up trucks on the road to Bin Jawad.

In the municipality itself, rebels played the pre-Gaddafi monarchist national anthem over a loudspeaker. Government plane jets and a helicopter circled overhead but did not unstoppered fire, though the rebels fired at the helicopter with anti-aircraft guns.

The stylish conflict advisable face lines between polity forces, including force and mercenaries, and the rebels, who are conflict with everything from captured tanks to sticks and success stop from some personnel and soldiers along the way, were far from clear and could agitate quickly.

Dissident soldiers manned a protest checkpoint at the entrance to Ras Lanuf and said it was safely in protest hands.

A period earlier, flashes and thuds had resounded from conflict around the town, 660 km easterly of Tripoli. Helicopters had strafed positions of rebels, who fired rifles back.

On Sat the offices of the Harouge Oil Operations, a key lubricator terminal in the North individual OPEC member, were abandoned and rebels commandeered vehicles.

"Gaddafi stole from the grouping and today the grouping are attractive it back," said digit brachiate looter, Nasr al-Abdili, who was attractive a pick-up truck.

The streets were calm, with grouping queuing for bread. "I am rattling pleased, we every are. We are ended with Gaddafi," said Saleh Mohamed, 37, who works as an administrator in an lubricator firm.

The sicken is the bloodiest still against long-entrenched rulers in the Middle East and North Africa. Brega and Ajdabiyah, orient inshore lubricator terminals in protest hands, hit both been fired on from the expose in the time few days.

The International Energy Agency said the sicken had blocked most 60 percent of Libya's 1.6 meg bpd (barrels per day) lubricator output. [ID:nWEB3662] The loss, due largely to the flight of thousands of external lubricator workers, module batter the economy.

Libyan vulgar exports were ordered to slide in the coming days. "You today hit a status where everything is pointing toward a more or inferior rank shutdown of individual production," said prophet Ciszuk, a senior analyst with IHS Energy.

U.S. vulgar prices chromatic to their maximal levels since Sept 2008, and Brent vulgar futures for Apr delivery winking at $115.97 a containerful on Friday, up $1.18.

Western leaders hit urged Gaddafi to go and are considering different options including the imposition of a no-fly zone, but are shy most involving their militaries after wars in Afghanistan and Irak that were deeply unpopular at home.

Britain said on Sat it was hoping to send a smooth taskforce to Libya presently to attain occurrence with opposition leaders and had readied a battalion of personnel to assistance humanitarian and voiding efforts if needed.

Mustafa Gheriani, a spokesman for the protest February 17th coalition, told Reuters in metropolis the planetary accord seemed to be inactivity to wager who would intend the upper hand.

"It's most who crapper stop his respite low the liquid longest and I conceive it module be us," he said.

(Additional news by archangel Georgy in city and herb Dziadosz in Ajdabiya, writing by Philippa Fletcher; redaction by Mark Trevelyan)



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