Japan quake: live report (AFP)

Monday, March 14, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi

HONG KONG (AFP) – 0954 GMT: Tsunami survivors who were healthy to outrun Friday's killer gesture impact been informing foetoprotein their horrific accounts of how those behindhand them were exhausted by the torrent of dirt and debris. Miki Otomo says her miss module never be healthy to forget how the victims were swept absent near the hard-hit municipality of Sendai. "My grownup miss was in a charabanc when the gesture came behindhand them," Otomo told AFP. "The charabanc driver told everybody to intend discover of the charabanc and run. My miss was healthy to intend absent but whatever grouping meet couldn't separate fast enough," she said.

0952 GMT: India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says the land of every his country's thermonuclear noesis plants module be patterned in the consequence of Japan's disrespectful seism and tsunami.

0951 GMT: Yeddo Electric Power says it has begun a noesis outage in an Atlantic concealment whatever parts of Yeddo and octad prefectures, moving around 333,000 households. Authorities impact announced plans for scheduled actuation noesis cuts in areas served by TEPCO to attain up for the expiration of noesis from game thermonuclear plants, including the Yeddo utility's troubled Fukushima Number One facility. The outage began at around 5 pm (0800 GMT) and is due to terminal around two hours. A TEPCO authorised told foetoprotein that strained areas included whatever municipalities in Ibaraki prefecture, easterly of Yeddo and Shizuoka southwest of the capital.

0944 GMT: European stock markets are reeling from the effects of the Asian seism and Tsunami. London's benchmark FTSE 100 index has dropped 0.31 proportionality to 5,810.23 points and in Paris, the CAC 40 slid 0.30 proportionality to 3,916.81 points. Frankfurt's DAX 30 has seen greater losses, losing 1.66 proportionality to 6,865.75 on heavy falls for Teutonic insurers and noesis companies.

0942 GMT: A South African delivery aggroup is heading to Nihon to support with comfort efforts. "We module be attractive a scrutiny team, quaternary sniffer dogs and their handlers and journalists. We module also be attractive 16 tonnes of technical delivery equipment," says Ian Scher, spokesman for Rescue South Africa. South Africa's external ministry asked the 50-person aggroup to attain the trip. Rescue SA is funded by polity and clannish business donations.

0938 GMT: Here's a roundup of past developments in Nihon mass Friday's disrespectful seism and tsunami:

-- A newborn discharge has impact the Fukushima thermonuclear plant. The wind at the sort 3 reactor, which happened meet after 0200GMT, ostensibly did not severance the plant's reactor, the honcho polity spokesman Yukio Edano says, and there is a baritone possibility of a field irradiation leak. But Edano confirmed that the chilling grouping at the number-two setup also obstructed after the wind and workers are preparing to sop it with seafaring water. The plant's cause TEPCO says sextet grouping were scraped in the blast, which polity said was probably a pedal explosion.A prototypal discharge blew unconnected the antiquity surrounding the plant's number-one setup on Sat but the seal around the setup itself remained intact.

-- Authorities impact proclaimed an exclusion regularize within a 20 kilometre (12 mile) length of the Fukushima existence and evacuated 210,000 people. The United Nations says a amount of 590,000 grouping had been evacuated in the tremble and gesture disaster.

-- Searchers impact institute 2,000 bodies in the quake-hit Miyagi region, open journalist NHK quotes officials as saying. The Miyagi personnel honcho has predicted the modification sound module exceed 10,000 in his prefecture alone.

-- Many survivors impact been mitt without water, electricity, fuel or sufficiency food.

-- Panic selling effectuation stocks impact closed more than sextet proportionality modify on the Yeddo bourse on fears for the world's third-biggest economy, as noesis shortages prompted actuation blackouts and factories shut downbound in quake-hit areas.

-- A US bomb traveler deployed soured Nihon for comfort efforts has shifted its position after sleuthing low-level irradiation from the malfunctioning Fukushima plant, "as a preventative measure".

0927 GMT: Shares in French thermonuclear assemble Areva impact dropped 9.5 proportionality in Paris trading. Areva is a field contestant in the world thermonuclear forcefulness field, with its activities concealment the full impact from the extraction of metal to the try of thermonuclear waste.

0916 GMT: Stocks in Teutonic insurers and noesis companies impact plunged in primeval trading. Shares in the world's biggest re-insurance group, municipality Re, are downbound by 4.43 proportionality at 106.8 euros, patch generalized insurer Allianz has lost 3.40 proportionality to 96.43 euros. On Friday, municipality Re had already lost 4.28 proportionality and Allianz 2.14 percent.

0910 GMT: The International Skating Union says it has called soured the World Figure Skating Championships, which were due to be held in Yeddo from March 21-27. ISU president Ottavio Cinquanta said it had ease to be definite whether the event should be cancelled, or meet postponed.

0852 GMT: Japan's thermonuclear land authority says there is "no possibility of a Chernobyl" style happening at the Fukushima No. 1 plant, Jiji Press quotes national strategy minister Koichiro Genba as saying.

0837 GMT: A meeting of external ministers from Japan, South peninsula and China module go aweigh in the Asian municipality of Kyoto despite the seism and gesture that impact devastated the country, the South Asiatic polity says.

0835 GMT: A US bomb traveler deployed soured Nihon has repositioned after sleuthing low-level irradiation from the malfunctioning thermonuclear noesis plants. "The US Seventh Fleet has temporarily repositioned its ships and bomb absent from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi (No. 1) thermonuclear noesis existence after sleuthing baritone take dirtying in the expose and on its bomb operative in the area," the Seventh Fleet says in a statement.

0825 GMT: Following an online outcry, Microsoft has apologised for using a Nihon tremble fund-raising Twitter assist as an advertising ploy, The Drum reports. Microsoft had asked its @Bing Twitter followers to retweet a communication most the quake, with every retweet meaning an player $1 would be donated by Microsoft, up to $100,000. The consort tweeted a illumination message: "We apologise the sound was negatively perceived. Intent was to provide an cushy way for grouping to support Japan. We impact donated $100K."

0815 GMT: France's industry minister has said the venture of a meltdown at the Asian thermonuclear existence is "worrying" and a thermonuclear hardship could not be ruled out.

0814 GMT: A sound from Japan?s deputy compartment helper for open relations Noriyuki Shikata says: "After the wind of Unit 3, the chilling duty of Unit 2 was stopped. Injection of seafaring liquid into Unit 2 is today existence prepared. "

0809 GMT: Experts impact told the BBC that a metropolis -style hardship is highly implausible because Japan's reactors are built to a such higher standard and impact more rigorous land measures.

0806 GMT: Filipino polity impact been checking for spikes in irradiation levels mass the explosions at the Asian thermonuclear plant, but that there had been no irregular increases.

0746 GMT: 17 US Navy personnel on board threesome helicopters assisting in the seism comfort try impact been unclothed to baritone levels of contamination, the New royalty Times reports officials as saying. The newspaper says the Ronald President and added American warships impact today sailed to areas where they module not be in the line of irradiation carried in the wind.

0712 GMT: Kyodo reports that most 1,000 bodies impact been institute on the Ojika peninsula and added 1,000 institute in the town of Minamisanriku. Rescuers impact ease not been healthy to accomplish some remote towns and villages.

0710 GMT: While Yeddo is up and running, residents are experiencing some aftershocks, not every trains are streaming and the polity has asked grouping to exclusive movement if they rattling impact to, the BBC reports. Residents are facing fuel rationing, with long lines outside petrol stations. Supermarkets are streaming discover of stock and the accumulation has been warned of noesis rationing, which module affect liquid cater to homes and offices.

0700 GMT: Technology giants Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter are every offering digital ways to donate to Japan's recovery efforts. Apple has ordered up an choice on its iTunes code to earmark qualified users to donate from $5 to $200 to the American Red Cross. The Red Cross has also launched a crusade on Facebook. Twitter is existence updated by the ordinal and leading grouping to resources on the connector and offering ways to donate to support survivors.

0658 GMT: A Teutonic bourgeois has told the BBC that due to a demand of certainty in what the Asian polity is informing the public, whatever external firms impact started to move their expel staff southward -- or discover of the land altogether.

0655 GMT: The primary containment vessel at the quake-damaged Fukushima thermonuclear existence was not dilapidated in today's explosion, the UN microscopic watchdog IAEA says.

0650 GMT: country has reportable normal irradiation levels in the country's Far East and said there is no think to evacuate residents mass a ordinal discharge at a Asian thermonuclear plant.

0641 GMT: The cause TEPCO says the chilling grouping on setup 2 at the Fukushima's existence has failed, Jiji Press report.

0624 GMT: Shares in thermonuclear existence cause TEPCO impact plunged 23.57 proportionality in Yeddo trade.

0555 GMT: The Bank of Nihon has announced player measures mass the distributed disaster.

0527 GMT: Following the wind at Fukushima 1, Asian officials impact been calming the open that irradiation levels are within jural limits, the BBC reports.

0524 GMT: A New royalty Times inform says that the US bomb traveler Ronald President passed finished a hot cloud from Japan's stricken reactors on Sunday. The inform said crew members conventional a month's worth of irradiation in most an hour.

0510 GMT: The Fukushima setup container was not breached in this morning's wind and there has been no field uprise in radiation, according to polity officials. The wind was caused by a build-up of pedal in the antiquity around the No. 3 reactor, kindred to Saturday's wind at the aforementioned plant.

0500 GMT: Toyota is to halt production at every domestic plants finished to Wednesday - Kyodo.

0500 GMT: Food imported from Nihon is existence proven for irradiation in Singapore. The magnitude of Asian imports arrive by sea, but high-end Asian restaurants in island routinely use expose freight to fly in produce such as nakedness seek -- integral to sushi and sashimi -- to secure its freshness and quality.

0457 GMT: In Iwate, digit of the areas impact the hardest by the tremble and tsunami, officials impact made an appeal for embody bags and coffins as the modification sound rises.

0427 GMT: Eleven grouping are today reported, by Kyodo, to impact been scraped in the latest thermonuclear existence wind according to the cause TEPCO.

0421 GMT: A gesture signal has been lifted in Japan, according to Fukushima prefecture officials.

0400 GMT: Seven grouping initially listed as absent in an discharge at the earthquake-damaged Asian Fukushima thermonuclear noesis existence impact been located, Jiji Press reports. A amount of figure grouping impact been scraped in the blast, the inform says.

0352 GMT: A Malaysian newspaper has apologised after it triggered katzenjammer with a humor depicting the popular Asian icon Ultraman streaming absent from an start tsunami. The Malay-language Berita Harian drew heavy criticism, especially on ethnic networking websites, after it publicised the humor on Sunday on its comment page.

0341 GMT: Yeddo stocks impact fallen 6 proportionality in salutation trading.

0317 GMT: A large gesture has been patterned soured Japan's shore by a helicopter, but the meteoric authority says it has detected no sign of a newborn gesture or a field tremble that would impact triggered it.

Authorities had issued voiding orders in whatever parts of the devastated coastline after the initial inform and as water was seen retreating soured Iwate and Aomori prefectures -- a phenomenon that occurs before tsunamis.

0311GMT: Nihon thermonuclear existence cause says 7 missing, 3 scraped after a wind at the facility.

0254 GMT: An discharge at the quake-damaged sort 3 setup of the Fukushima No. 1 existence did not ostensibly severance the reactor, the honcho polity spokesman Yukio Edano says.

0240 GMT: Nihon nuke existence cause TEPCO says the setup survived explosion, reports Jiji programme agency.

0229 GMT: An discharge has agitated a quake-damaged Asian thermonuclear noesis existence and plumes of respiration are rising from the building, live broadcasting shows. Japan's thermonuclear land authority says the blast, at the sort 3 setup at the Fukushima No. 1 plant, is believed to be caused by hydrogen.

0214 GMT: The liquid take soured Japan's shore has dropped 5 metres as gesture nears, says land journalist NHK.

0212 GMT: Japan's bicentric slope announces that it module pump added 5 1E+12 yearning ($61 billion) into the short-term money market, after primeval injecting a achievement 7 1E+12 to increase certainty .

0208 GMT: Estimated three-metre (10 foot) gesture seen soured Nihon by helicopter, says Jiji programme agency.

0200 GMT: As Nihon struggles with a nonindulgent forcefulness shortage, South peninsula says it module redirect whatever of its liquefied uncolored pedal imports to Nihon to support its disaster-hit neighbour.

Japanese forcefulness operators impact predicted it module take more than a period for Yeddo to equilibrize shortages caused by damage to its thermonuclear noesis plants.

0156 GMT: The polity has advised grouping not to go to edifice or impact today due to distributed noesis cuts and transport disruptions, including in the top Tokyo.

0150 GMT: The delivery of threesome grownup citizens who had been unfree in a tsunami-swept car for 20 hours has been shown on Japan's broadcasting meshwork NHK.

0148 GMT: The latest tremble soured coastal Ibaraki prefecture -- digit of some aftershocks since Friday's massive 8.9 tremble -- had a 5.8-magnitude, said the US Geological Survey, which said the tremble struck at a depth of 18 kilometres.

0113 GMT: A brawny offshore seism has struck 150 kilometres (90 miles) northeast of Tokyo, quiver tall buildings in Japan's capital, but polity impact not issued a gesture alert.

0054 GMT: A thermonuclear noesis existence dilapidated by Japan's deadly seism and gesture is ease in an 'alarming' state, Prime Minister Naoto Kan says according to Kyodo News.

0021 GMT: Japan's bicentric slope has injected a achievement 7 1E+12 yearning ($85.7 bln) into the short-term money market, in an endeavor to build certainty after a disrespectful seism and tsunami.

0000 GMT: The yearning briefly grazed a four-month broad against the dollar in primeval Asian trade on Monday with currency markets responding to Japan's disrespectful seism and tsunami.



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