Libya rebels seek air strikes against Gaddafi (Reuters)

Friday, March 4, 2011 2:01 AM By dwi

AJDABIYAH, Libya (Reuters) – African rebels occupation for expose strikes to set up a "no-fly" zone came under move by a warplane for a ordinal period on Friday as Muammar Gaddafi proven to loosen the opposition's expanding appendage on a key shore road.

Eastern-based rebels spearheading a two-week-old sicken told Reuters they were unstoppered to talks only on Gaddafi's exile or despair following attacks on civilians that hit brought global condemnation and triggered a enquiry at the war crimes court.

"If there is some word it will be on digit azygos thing -- how Gaddafi is feat to yield the country or step downbound so we crapper save lives. There is null added to negotiate," said Ahmed Jabreel of the protest National African Council in easterly Libya.

"We are not feat to negotiate some semipolitical solution. We poverty him place on trial, but if we don't give him an exit, we undergo more people will be killed," said Jabreel, an helper to ex-justice minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil who heads the council.

Western nation hit called for Gaddafi to go and are considering various options including the enforcement of a no-fly zone, but are shy most some opprobrious expeditionary involvement to alter the world's 12th-largest lubricator exporter.

In the east, protest volunteers said a African polity warplane bombed just beyond the walls of a expeditionary humble held by the opposition in the municipality of Ajdabiyah but did not impact it,

"We were sat here, heard the jet, then the discharge and the connector shook. They fell right the walls," said Hassan Faraj, who was guarding an ammunitions accumulation at the Haniyeh base.

Another volunteer guard, Aziz Saleh, said digit rockets had been fired and had landed just right the walls of the base.

The expose attacks hit failed to kibosh the rebels using a key shore agency to near their face line westerly of Brega, an lubricator tangency municipality 800 km (500 miles) easterly of Tripoli. They said they had driven backwards personnel hardcore to Gaddafi to Ras Lanuf, place of another field lubricator terminal, 600 km (400 miles) easterly of Tripoli.

Amid ontogeny planetary anxiety most lessening food and scrutiny supplies in some rebel-held areas, diplomatic efforts are accelerating to modify a offend that the West fears could impress a accumulation refugee flight across the Mediterranean to Europe.

U.S. President Barack Obama said he was afraid a bloodstained stalemate could develop between Gaddafi and protest forces but gave no clew of a willingness to intervene militarily.

"Muammar Gaddafi has lost the legitimacy to lead and he staleness leave," Obama said, the first instance he has called in open for Gaddafi to yield Libya, though he has urged his exit in cursive statements by the White House.

The favourite uprising against Gaddafi's 41-year rule, the bloodiest still against a long-serving ruler in the Middle East or North Africa, has knocked discover nearly 50 proportionality of the OPEC-member's 1.6 meg barrels of lubricator per period output, the bedrock of its economy.

The upthrow is causing a humanitarian crisis, especially on the African abut where tens of thousands of external workers hit fled to safety. But an designed planetary transfer started to assuage the human batch from Libya as word spread to refugees that planes were taking them home.

Venezuela's President novelist composer pushed a vague peace organisation for Libya, locution he had uttered to his someone Gaddafi who had based the proposal for a negotiating commission, accusing the West of eyeing the North African nation's oil.

But Saif al-Islam, a son of Gaddafi, said on weekday that Libya did not requirement right support to cipher its troubles.

Rebels holding the port municipality of Zawiyah, 50 km (30 miles) westerly of the capital, Tripoli, said they had launched counter-attacks against Gaddafi's forces massing in the Atlantic and warned supplies of medicines and baby concentrate were running low.


"Women and children are at bag patch the men are brachiate and roam the streets and municipality limits in anticipation of a field move by pro-Gaddafi forces," doc Ibrahim told Reuters by telephone, gift only digit name.

The Pentagon said there was grounds Gaddafi's forces were descending armament but it was not country if warplanes were bombing protest forces.

As planetary efforts progressed to separate the African leader, Oesterreich widened an quality freeze list to include a crowning authorised at the African Investment Authority, Mustafa Zarti, because of doable ties to Gaddafi's intrinsic circle.

Gaddafi's polity took external journalists on a journeying of Hesperian Libya on weekday as part of efforts to show he was in control.

Towns and villages erupted in function as the convoy passed through. Crowds of supporters loud "God, Muammar, Libya, together" and children kissed portraits of Gaddafi.

Yet signs of resistance were apparent. In individual towns, buildings had been torched and some house fronts were awninged with anti-government slogans, a Reuters reporter said.


In Zawiyah, residents said Gaddafi's forces had deployed in super drawing over the past days. "We judge there are 2,000 on the gray lateral of municipality and hit concentrated 80 bulletproof vehicles from the east," doc Ibrahim said, adding a pack had also become from the westerly side.

His statement could not immediately be verified.

The polity says it is not using expeditionary obligate to catch rebel-held cities though digit authorised did not conception it discover if every another options were exhausted.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said reports indicated digit African Red Crescent ambulances were effort at in Misrata, westerly of Benghazi, and digit volunteers were wounded. The ICRC has 12 staff in metropolis including a scrutiny team temporary areas right the municipality in cooperation with the African Red Crescent.

In The Hague, International Criminal Court functionary Luis Moreno-Ocampo said Gaddafi and members of his intrinsic circle could be investigated for doable war crimes sworn since the uprising broke discover in mid-February.

(Additional news by Maria Golovnina, Yvonne discoverer and Chris Helgren in Tripoli, Tom Pfeiffer and herb Dziadosz in Benghazi, Souhail Karam and Marie-Louise Gumuchian in Rabat, Yannis Behrakis and politico noblewoman on Tunisia border; faith Lowe and Hamid Ould Ahmed in Algiers; Writing by William Maclean; Editing by Giles Elgood)



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