Mysterious Case of Missing Sunspots Solved (

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

The source of a occult drought of sunspots in recent eld ostensibly originated beneath the star's solar skin, investigators find.

Sunspots are dark, icebox regions on the surface of the solarise dominated by pure attractable fields. These are the way of storms of charged particles that create beautiful auroras on Earth, but crapper also ruin electronics in space, affect expose movement over Antarctic regions, and cook noesis grids on Earth.

"Sunspots hit been more or inferior continuously observed since Galileo trained his magnifier on the solarise in the primeval 17th century," said astrophysicist Dibyendu Nandi at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Kolkata, who led the study.

The solarise periodically sees an diminution and line in the sort of sunspots, a wheel that lasts roughly 11 years. However, near the modify of Solar Cycle 23, which peaked in 2001, solar state entered an unco daylong "minimum" with a super sort of life without sunspots and a rattling anaemic Antarctic attractable field.

"One has to go backwards almost 100 eld to find a solar peak with a larger sort of spotless days," Nandi explained.

However, this drought finally did modify in 2009. The solarise is currently in its next defy cycle, Solar Cycle 24.

Secret of sunspots

To see how the solarise lost its spots, scientists developed machine simulations of the sun's attractable earth to simulate 210 spot cycles.

At the same time, they varied the pace of the sun's north-south, or "meridional," circulation of super-hot ECF in the bunk ordinal of the sun's interior. [Sun Formation Facts & Figures]

The researchers unconcealed that fast meridional line in the prototypal half of a solar cycle, followed by a slower line in the

second half, leads to a unfathomable spot minimum, effectively reproducing the Cycle 23 peak the solarise underwent.

"The results are elating because it demonstrates how diminutive changes in the inland kinetics of our parent star, the sun, crapper profoundly affect our technology-based society," Nandi told

These spotless life led whatever researchers to suggest that we might be sight a repeat of the Maunder Minimum, a 50-year cold speech of sunspots that whatever researchers hit linked to the Little Ice Age of the 17th century.

Nandi and his colleagues Andres Munoz-Jaramillo and Petrus Martens careful their findings in tomorrow’s (March 3) issue of the journal Nature.

Plasma line speeds ease perplex

It relic doubtful what evoked these meridional flows to modify speeds that caused the spot drought.

This meridional circulation is unvoluntary in conception by the forcefulness worn from the roiling solar inland and diminutive temperature differences between the solar equator and the poles, and variations in this circulation crapper be caused by changes in these factors or by the feedback of strong attractable fields on the flows. "We do not see the intricacies of these processes to a great detail," Nandi said.

Still, in principle, one could extend this model, in conjunction with observations of solar ECF flows, to attain short-term forecasts of solar activity, Nandi suggested.

"We crapper prognosticate if we are feat to hit clean defy in expanse and over Antarctic regions for a uninterrupted punctuation in time and use this noesis to plan expanse missions and schedule expose reciprocation on Antarctic routes," Nandi said.

  • Amazing New Sun Photos from Space
  • Meet the Sun: Our Star's Formation, Orbit & Characteristics
  • The Sun Has Spots, Finally



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