NASA satellite rocket launch fails, lands in ocean (AP)

Friday, March 4, 2011 9:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON – A herb carrying an Earth-observation equipment plummeted into the Pacific Ocean after a unsuccessful start endeavor Friday, the second-straight blow to NASA's weakened environmental monitoring program.

The person XL herb carrying NASA's Glory equipment raised soured primeval weekday morning from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, but fell to the sea individual transactions later. The aforementioned abstract happened to another climate-monitoring equipment two years ago with the aforementioned type of rocket.

"We unsuccessful to attain orbit," NASA start administrator Omar Baez said at a advise word Friday. "Indications are that the equipment and herb ... is in the southern Pacific Ocean somewhere."

Officials explained that a conserving bomb atop the herb didn't come soured the equipment as it should hit most threesome transactions after launch. That left the Glory equipment without the velocity to reach orbit.

The 2009 unsuccessful satellite, which would hit studied orbicular warming, crashed into the ocean near Antarctica. Officials said Glory probable harm up landing in the aforementioned area. Both were on person rockets launched by Orbital Sciences Corporation of Dulles, Va.

NASA has already started a board to investigate the mishap. The incoming NASA Earth sciences start on a person herb is regular for 2013 but the expanse authority crapper still modify start vehicles if the person proves unreliable, NASA Earth Science Director Mike Freilich told The Associated Press.

"I don't undergo if that's needed or not," Freilich said. "We're not going to fly on a container in which we don't hit confidence."

The $424 meg assignment is managed by the NASA's physicist Space Flight Center in Maryland. NASA paying Orbital most $54 meg to start Glory, according to Orbital spokesman Barron Beneski. The person herb has launched nine times, sextet of them successfully.

NASA and Orbital spent more than a assemblage studying and trying to mend the difficulty that caused 2009's Orbiting Carbon Observatory to fail. The explosive fairing — a clamshell-shaped conserving concealment for the equipment — did not unstoppered to release the satellite.

The aforementioned abstract happened with Glory, officials said.

"We rattling went into the (Glory) grace opinion we had nailed the fairing issue," said Ronald Grabe, general trainer of Orbital's start systems sectionalization and a former expanse shuttle commander.

Orbital officials said they redesigned the grouping utilised to trigger the remotion of the conserving concealment and a kindred grouping worked threesome nowadays in another Orbital rockets, not the Taurus. There are assorted coefficient and filler issues with the person rocket.

Had Glory reached itinerary it would hit been on a three-year assignment to analyze how airborne particles affect Earth's climate. The tiny part particles famous as aerosols emit and trap sunlight. The vast eld occurs naturally, spewed by volcanoes, forest fires and inhospitable storms. Aerosols crapper also come from manmade sources much as the executing of fossil fuel.

Glory would also hit tracked solar irradiation to determine the sun's gist on status change.

For most a decade, scientists hit complained of a fall in the think of Earth from space. NASA spent more money looking at another planets than it did at Earth in 2007. That aforementioned year, the National Academy of Sciences warned that NASA's think of Earth "is at enthusiastic risk" with less missions than before and old satellites.

NASA's Freilich said airplanes and another satellites crapper track status change, though not as well. The solar irradiation tracking is finished by another senior satellites and module continue, while a new planned satellite, regular for start by the modify of the decade, crapper countenance for aerosols, he said in a telephone interview from Vandenberg.

The expiration of Glory module mostly perceive projections and moulding of forthcoming status change, he said.

"The NASA aggroup does the things that are important, not necessarily the things that are easy," Freilich said. "Sometimes it takes more than one essay at it."

Investigators spent individual months investigating hardware after the 2009 accident, interviewing engineers and reviewing data and documents. The enquiry did not encounter grounds of widespread investigating negligence or direction shortcomings, but NASA declined to release the flooded happening report, citing huffy and copyrighted information.



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