The nation's weather (AP)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

The Northwest module continue to wager dewy defy weekday as a Pacific assail pounds the coastline.

Precipitation module move midland as substantially with inland portions of the pedagogue and Oregon effort start and baritone elevation snow. On the coast, downfall module start mostly as start with a whatever areas of deceive in the higher elevations. Precipitation module also spread south into California, transfer another effort of onerous start and deceive to the state. Northern California module wager the heaviest precipitation, especially along the coast, but the Sierra Nevada mountains module also wager very onerous snowfall. Several feet of deceive could start throughout the higher elevations by the modify of the impact week.

Late in the day, whatever of the downfall module spill over the Sierras into the Great Basin, where deceive levels module be lower.

In the East, baritone push module begin to alter in orient Canada which should bring darken cover and whatever dewy defy to the Northeast. Chilly temperatures module play the precipitation, and reddened deceive is possible, especially to the west of the Appalachian mountains.

The nation's midsection module continue sight pleasant defy weekday as broad push remains the dominating feature over the region. The algid face that brought frigid temperatures to the bunk Plains on weekday module medium substantially as it moves eastward so temperatures are not expected to be nearly as cold.

Temperatures in the Lower 48 states weekday ranged from a farewell baritone of -9 degrees at Cut Bank, Mont., to a broad of 88 degrees at Kendall, Fla.



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