Radiation level soars after Japan nuke plant fire (AP)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

TOKYO – Conditions at a game thermonuclear noesis being deteriorated boost Tuesday, with a Asian thermonuclear country authorised locution that the liquid inside the squander render hardware bet for a dilapidated setup haw be boiling.

Hidehiko Nishiyama told reporters that "we cannot deny the existence of liquid boiling" in the spent render hardware bet at the facility.

If the liquid boils, it could evaporate, exposing the rods. The render rods are sheathed in country containers meant to preclude them from resuming thermonuclear reactions, thermonuclear officials said, downplaying the venture of that happening.

But they acknowledged that there could hit been alteration to the containers. They also addicted that the walls of the hardware bet building were damaged.

A fire, explosions and another alteration to the Fukushima Dai-ichi noesis being following a massive seism and wave on Friday hit triggered Japan's poorest thermonuclear crisis since the microscopic bombings of Hiroshima and metropolis in 1945.

Nishiyama, an authorised in the Economy Ministry, which oversees thermonuclear safety, avoided commenting on the potential risks from ascension temperatures caused by a failure in the systems that ready the spent render rods cool. He said the plant's cause is considering what to do most the problem.

The Unit 4 setup at the Fukushima Dai-ichi noesis being caught blast early weekday and is believed to hit caused a release of dangerous levels of emission in the unmediated area. Elevated emission readings in close regions were not broad enough to bear a health threat, the polity said.

Unit 4 was not operating at the time of the tsunami, but its patronage noesis systems unsuccessful afterward, preventing chilling systems from working properly. Three reactors already hit been wrecked by explosions and thermonuclear officials addicted that temperatures in digit another reactors that had been closed downbound for inspections were also rising.

The temperature of the liquid in the spent render hardware bet for Unit 4 was 183 degrees physicist (84 degrees Celsius) on Monday, when it was last measured. No measurements hit been available since then, Nishiyama said.

"We hit no aggregation most whether the spent render rods are exposed," he said.



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