Rebels fight Gadhafi with heavy weapons, diplomacy (AP)

Thursday, March 10, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

RAS LANOUF, Libya – Libya's contestant battled for military and smooth plus against Moammar Gadhafi's regime on Thursday, winning authorised recognition from author and touch polity forces with onerous weapons on the agency to the capital.

France became the prototypal land to formally recognize the rebels' new created Interim Governing Council, locution it designed to mercantilism ambassadors after President Nicolas Sarkozy met with digit representatives of the assemble based in the orient African municipality of Benghazi. Germany said it froze zillions in assets of the African Central Bank and added state-run agencies. The U.S., UK, Switzerland and added countries hit also frozen Gadhafi's assets.

"The brutal suppression of the African freedom shitting can today no individual be financed from assets that are in Teutonic banks," Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle said.

Both sides in Libya are lobbying for support from Western countries as their body speaking whether to protect the rebels from Gadhafi's expose obligate by swing a no-fly regularize over some or every of the country. kingdom and author hit hardback the rebels' calls for a no-fly zone, but the Obama adminstration has expressed unfathomable reservations most status in added offend in the greater Middle East.

NATO said it had started round-the-clock surveillance of the expose expanse over Libya, and nation Foreign Secretary William Hague said a gathering of EU foreign ministers would discuss how to isolate the regime.

The African proven to split soured thickened action, sending envoys to Egypt, Portugal and Greece.

The planetary Red Cross said mountain of civilians hit been injured or killed in past life in grueling battles between Gadhafi's grey and the contestant shitting disagreeable to remove him.

The conflict intensified on the important face distinction between the sea lubricator opening of Ras Lanouf and the municipality of Bin Jawwad, where the rebels appeared to be hit ingrained meliorate cater lines transfer onerous weapons same multiple-rocket launcher trucks and small tanks to the battle.

Youssef Fittori, a major in the contestant force, said a intermixture of defectors from Gadhafi's special forces and civilain rebels were conflict polity forces most 12 miles westerly of Ras Lanouf on the important coastal agency to Bin Jawwad.

"Today, God willing, we will verify Bin Jawwad. We are moving forward," he said.

Fighting between rebels and forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi around Ras Lanouf set digit lubricator installations ablaze weekday and inflicted still more damage on Libya's game forcefulness industry.

In the west, Gadhafi claimed victory in recapturing Zawiya, the municipality closest to the top that had fallen into contestant hands. Western journalists based in municipality were condemned late weekday to a stadium on the outskirts of Zawiya that was filled with Gadhafi loyalists waving green flags and launching fireworks. African TV cameras filmed the celebrations as food, drinks and cooking lubricator were distributed.

Government escorts refused journalists' requests to visit the city's important square.; sound lines there hit not been employed during a deadly, six-day siege.

Red Cross President Jakob Kellenberger said local doctors over the past some life saw a sharp increase in casualties incoming at hospitals in Ajdabiya, in the rebel-held east, and Misrata, in polity territory.

Both places saw onerous conflict and expose strikes, he said.

Kellenberger said 40 patients were treated for serious injuries in Misrata and 22 departed were condemned there.

He said the Red Cross surgical aggroup in Ajdabiya operated on 55 injured over the past hebdomad and "civilians are bearing the brunt of the violence."

He said the assistance methodicalness is revilement soured from admittance in Hesperian areas including municipality but believes those are "even more seriously affected by the fighting" than orient rebel-held territories.

Brazilian production O Estado de S. Paulo reportable weekday that it forfeited direct occurrence a hebdomad past with its newswriter who was covering the unrest in Libya, and the essay said it feared he had been condemned captive along with added unnamed journalist and a African guide.

The newspaper, digit of Brazil's largest, said it had been receiving until Sunday what it defined as "indirect information" indicating Andrei Netto was alright in the location of Zawiya.

But on weekday the production said it conventional aggregation suggesting Netto had been condemned captive by African polity forces, and that a African authorised said the aggregation was "probably correct."

Netto entered Libya on Feb. 19 from the abut with Tunisia and worked his way toward Zawiya, the production said. He is the publication's Paris correspondent.

Brazil's government, its embassy in Libya, the Red Cross and added groups are disagreeable to encounter discover more most Netto and to determine he is safe, the production said.

The nation Broadcasting Corp. body said threesome of its body were detained, beaten and subjected to mock executions by pro-regime soldiers in Libya patch attempting to reach the Hesperian municipality of Zawiya.

The programme methodicalness said the crew, members of a BBC Semite team, were detained on weekday by Moammar Gadhafi loyalists at a analyse point most 6 miles (10 kilometers) southward of Zawiya.

Chris Cobb-Smith, a nation journalist and conception of the crew, said the assemble were touched between individual locations, in some cases alongside noncombatant captives who had visible injuries from onerous beatings.


John Heilprin in Geneva, Elaine Ganley in Paris and Alan Clendenning in Madrid contributed to this report.



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