Study: Navy needs to prepare for climate change (AP)

Thursday, March 10, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – The Navy and Coast Guard requirement to educate for more missions in the Arctic, and plan for possibleness alteration to bases from ascension seafaring levels, as orbicular warming increases, the National Research Council said Thursday.

"Naval forces requirement to guardian more intimately and move preparing today for sticking challenges status modify will inform in the future," Frank L. Bowman, a old Navy admiral who was co-chairman of the NGO that wrote the report, said in a statement.

The newborn analysis noted that ocean seafaring lanes could be regularly open crossways the Arctic by 2030 as ascension temperatures move to mix the seafaring ice. It said the Navy needs to increase its cold-weather training and operations programs so it will be healthy to protect U.S. interests in the region.

With greater admittance to the Arctic accumulated pedal and oil expedition is likely, in addition to opening of seafaring lanes for transportation, the inform said.

Global temperatures have been gradually crescendo for the terminal century or so and most atmospheric scientists concept the modify to so-called edifice gases released into the atmosphere by industrialized and other processes. Polar regions are due to be especially undefendable to change, which has been reflected in unfrozen ice caps.

The newborn think also warns that status modify would bring ascension seafaring levels, potentially accompanied by stronger, more regular storm surges. This could threaten Navy and Coast Guard installations. An estimated $100 billion of Navy installations would be at venture from sea-level uprise of threesome feet or more, the think said. It titled on the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard to number efforts to reduce these hazards.

The inform also noted that status modify could place more stress on naval forces providing helper missions around the world.

"Although the forthcoming honor and ratio of status modify on regional scales is uncertain, it's clear that the possibleness for environmental disasters is on the rise," said NGO co-chair Antonio J. Busalacchi, director of the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center at the University of Maryland. "Naval forces staleness be embattled to provide more assistance and hardship comfort in the decades ahead."

The inform from the investigate council, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, was requested by the Navy. The academy is an autarkical agency chartered by Congress to apprize the polity on technological matters.





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