Timeline: Japan's unfolding nuclear crisis (Reuters)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi

(Reuters)- Nihon is low orbicular scrutiny over the handling of its thermonuclear crisis after a huge seism game several reactors at a thermonuclear noesis complex, upbringing fears of an anarchical irradiation leak.

Below is a timeline of statements prefabricated by continent polity and the complex's owner, Yeddo Electric Power (TEPCO), after the tremble struck on Friday, the strongest tremor ever transcribed in Japan.

(Times are Nihon time, which is time +9, unless stated)


18:00 - Japan's top polity spokesman says irradiation levels around the thermonuclear being are not at levels to drive an immediate upbeat risk.

17:32 - The World Health Organisation's allegoric in China says there is no grounds of any momentous planetary spread of irradiation from the thermonuclear site.

17:26 - The drive of Japan's quake-stricken thermonuclear noesis complex, Yeddo Electric Power Co Ltd, says it is unable to resume work on chilling reactors cod to irradiation risk.

16:55 - Operator says as of 0230 time there were 180 workers on site at the dilapidated thermonuclear noesis complex.

16:55 - Yeddo Electric Power Co says it transcribed the site's highest levels of irradiation at the No.3 setup on Wednesday.

16:05 - The temperature stabilized and push dropped at the No. 2 reactor, the being drive said.

13:27 - Japan's thermonuclear country authority says operators of the dilapidated thermonuclear being plan to bulldoze an crisis line to the facility to allow access for blast trucks.

11:38 - Nihon haw essay direct U.S. expeditionary support to end the crisis at the plant, the honcho polity spokesman says.

11:30 - It is not graphic to conceive that the No. 4 setup at the being module "reach criticality," the honcho polity spokesman says.

11:19 - The irradiation datum at the essential receipts of the being chromatic sharply meet after 0100 time on weekday and started to start nearly an distance later, the polity says.

11:10 - A render bet at the No.3 setup at the Fukushima Daiichi being haw impact hot and produced steam, TEPCO says. Media images early showed white respiration vagrant from the plant.

11:38 - Nihon haw essay direct U.S. expeditionary support to end the crisis at the plant, the honcho polity spokesman says.


20:54 - Radiation levels at the No. 4 setup of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power being has become likewise broad to conduct connatural work from its curb room, Kyodo programme authority says. Workers cannot meet daylong and are feat in and discover of the curb shack as substantially as monitoring from a different place.

20:50 - The irradiation verify in the continent capital, Tokyo, is 10 nowadays normal, but there is no danger to manlike health, the municipality polity says.

19:09 - Winds are today dispersing hot material from the continent thermonuclear crisis over the Pacific Ocean, away from Nihon and other continent countries, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says.

18:20 - Japan's thermonuclear country authority says there are digit holes of 8-metres conservativist in a wall of the outer antiquity of the quake-hit Fukushima Daiichi No.4 setup after a blast in the morning.

18:06 - Radiation levels in Chiba prefecture, nearby Tokyo, are more than 10 nowadays above connatural levels, Kyodo reports.

18:01: TEPCO has pulled discover 750 workers from the being since Tuesday, and 50 remain, it says.

17:48 - A bet containing spent render at the No.4 setup haw be boiling and the liquid verify haw be falling, Kyodo programme authority quoted an authorised at the reactor's drive as saying.

17:31 - Nihon has told the U.N. Agency emission was being released "directly" into the atmosphere, the IAEA says.

17:28 - Radiation levels start at the plant, the polity says. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says the irradiation verify at the essential receipts of the Fukushima Daiichi Byzantine is 596.4 microsieverts per distance as of 0630 GMT, downbound from 11,930 microsieverts at 0000 GMT.

16:44 - Nihon has told the United Nations thermonuclear watchdog (IAEA) that it has extinguished a blast at the spent render hardware lake at the noesis plant, the Vienna-based authority says.

14:46 - Radiation levels in the municipality of Maebashi, 100 km northerly of Tokyo, are up to 10 nowadays normal, Kyodo says, quoting the municipality government.

14:07 - A no-fly zone is established for a 30-km length around the plant, Jiji programme authority says, quoting the instrumentation ministry.

14:03 - Prime Minister Kan sends a book communication to ambulatory sound users crossways the country, asking them to confiture power.

14:00 - Radiation levels in Yeddo are "not a problem," the municipality polity says.

12:37 - Minute levels of irradiation impact been perceived in Tokyo, Kyodo says, quoting topical government.

12:03 - Winds over the being are blowing in a south content that includes Tokyo, but module shift after on Tuesday, the weather authority says.

11:57 - Japan's science rector has asked topical governments to attain more frequent irradiation checks, Kyodo programme authority says. The authority also says there has been digit discharge at the No. 4 setup at a sick plant.

11:08 - Risk of a thermonuclear leakage is rising, Prime Minister Naoto Kan says, and warns grouping within a 30-km length to meet indoors.

11:41 - Radiation levels in Kanagawa prefecture, westerly of Tokyo, are up to figure nowadays the connatural verify shortly on Tuesday, Kyodo programme authority says, quoting the prefecture government.

11:08 - Risk of a thermonuclear leakage is rising, Prime Minister Naoto Kan says, and warns grouping within a 30-km length to meet indoors.

10:03 - The thermonuclear country authority says it is unsafe if the discharge at the setup has dilapidated digit of its setup containment vessels. If the containment craft were to break and render rods within it to melt, it could drive a field irradiation leak.

09:01 - Radiation levels in the expose surrounding the being impact risen multiple after the explosion, being drive TEPCO says.

08:45 - The roof above overheating No. 2 setup is dilapidated and clean in ascension from the complex, Jiji programme authority reports.

07:57 - Fresh discharge heard at the plant, Japan's thermonuclear country authority says.

06:45 - Some alteration has been perceived at Fukushima Daiichi No. 2 reactor, but no sharp increase in irradiation levels has been seen, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says.


20:10 - Water levels exclusive the Fukushima Daiichi complex's No. 2 setup are nearly empty, TEPCO says. Jiji programme authority says the drive of the being has started injecting seafaring liquid to the setup in the hope of chilling it down.

19:52 - Jiji quotes TEPCO as locution thermonuclear render rods at the Fukushima Daiichi complex's No.2 reactor, where levels of liquid coolant around the setup core had been reportable as dropping early in the day, are today fully exposed. Jiji says a meltdown of the render rods cannot be ruled out.

17:23 - Jiji programme authority says continent polity impact safely cooled downbound digit thermonuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daini thermonuclear plant, near to added thermonuclear Byzantine where they are still struggling to modify three overheating reactors.

16:17 - Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano confirms liquid levels at the Fukushima Daiichi being No.2 setup are dropping and its chilling functions impact stopped.

15:26 - The IAEA says Nihon has told the U.N. thermonuclear watchdog the gas discharge at the No.3 setup at Fukushima Daiichi did not alteration the direct containment vessel.

15:17 - Jiji programme authority reports that there has been an discharge at a render lubricator cell at a energy noesis being in Fukushima and that the cell is on fire. It is not directly country which consort the energy noesis being belonged to.

12:43 - Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says a large-scale irradiation leakage is implausible from the Fukushima Daiichi plant's No. 3 setup impact by an discharge after chilling problems.

11:40 - Jiji quotes TEPCO as locution a concern discharge that rocked Fukushima Daiichi has not dilapidated the plant's No.3 setup vessel.

11:20 - Japan's thermonuclear country authority confirms a new discharge rocked the Fukushima Daiichi thermonuclear noesis complex, sending a plume of respiration into the air. But it says it cannot confirm whether or not the gas discharge at the plant's No. 3 setup has led to an anarchical revealing of radioactivity.

11:11 - Domestic media ikon shows respiration ascension from the No.3 setup at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi thermonuclear plant. continent TV says there was a gas discharge at the plant.

07:29 - TEPCO says it has reportable a uprise in irradiation levels at its Fukushima Daiichi thermonuclear noesis being to the government.

01:43 - Nihon Atomic Power says the chilling impact is employed at its Tokai No. 2 thermonuclear noesis plant's setup though digit of the three diesel noesis generators utilised for chilling are discover of order. The setup at the plant, most 120 km (75 miles) northerly of Yeddo in Ibaraki prefecture, was automatically closed after Friday's seism and tsunami.


23:37 - Jiji quotes TEPCO as locution it is preparing to locate seafaring liquid into the No.2 setup at its Fukushima Daiichi thermonuclear noesis plant. The consort is already injecting seafaring liquid into the No. 1 and No. 3 units at the being to modify them downbound and turn push exclusive setup container vessels.

15:23 - Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano says there is a venture of an discharge at a antiquity structure at the Fukushima Daiichi Byzantine where an discharge on Sat blew soured the roof soured added setup building.

10:38 - Kyodo quotes TEPCO as locution irradiation levels impact risen above innocuous limits around the Byzantine and that the concern has conversant the polity of an "emergency situation." It did not stingy an immediate danger to manlike health, TEPCO says.

06:20 - The sort of individuals unclothed to irradiation from the Fukushima Daiichi Byzantine could accomplish as broad as 160, an authorised of the Nihon Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.

05:41 - In a 20-km length around the Fukushima Daiichi complex, an estimated 110,000 grouping impact been evacuated, the IAEA says. In a 10-km length around the nearby Fukushima Daini complex, most 30,000 grouping impact been evacuated.

00:49 - A thermonuclear happening in Nihon on Sat rates as less serious than both the Three Mile Island happening in 1979 and the 1986 metropolis thermonuclear disaster, Japan's thermonuclear country authority said. An authorised at the authority said it has rated the incident at 4 low the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale. Three Mile Island was rated 5 patch metropolis was rated 7 on the 1 to 7 scale, the authorised said.


22:21 - The IAEA quotes continent polity as locution they are preparing to dispense iodine to grouping living nearby the sick thermonuclear noesis complex. Iodine crapper be utilised to support protect the embody from hot poisoning.

20:43 - TEPCO plans to modify the unseaworthy setup with seafaring liquid to modify it and turn push in the unit, Edano says.

"The thermonuclear setup is surrounded by a poise setup container, which is then surrounded by a concrete building," Edano says. "The concrete antiquity collapsed. We institute discover that the setup container exclusive didn't explode."

"We've addicted that the setup container was not damaged. The discharge didn't become exclusive the setup container. As much there was no super turn of irradiation leakage outside," he adds.

"At this point, there has been no field modify to the verify of irradiation leakage right (from before and after the explosion), so we'd same everyone to move calmly."

"We've definite to modify the setup container with seafaring water. Trade Minister Kaieda has taught us to do so. By doing this, we module use element Elvis to prevent criticality."

Edano says it module verify most fivesome to 10 hours to modify the setup core with seafaring liquid and around 10 life to complete the process. He says cod to the dropping cooling-water level, gas was generated and leaked into a expanse between the antiquity and the container. It integrated with gas and exploded.

17:47 - Cabinet Secretary Edano confirms an discharge and irradiation revealing at Fukushima Daiichi. "We are looking into the drive and the status and we'll attain that public when we impact boost information," Edano says. "At present, we conceive 10 km voiding is appropriate."

10:07 - TEPCO has begun releasing push from No. 1 setup at Fukushima Daiichi thermonuclear plant, the Trade Ministry says. TEPCO says it module prepare for the promulgation of push from the ordinal thermonuclear plant, the Fukushima Daini plant, as push mounts. TEPCO and the polity effort to include ascension push at the plants. They feature thousands of residents in the Atlantic impact been evacuated.

09:34 - Kyodo programme authority says Nihon has begun evacuating most 20,000 grouping from vicinity of the thermonuclear plants.

07:19 - TEPCO says it has forfeited its knowledge to curb push in whatever reactors of a ordinal thermonuclear noesis being at its Fukushima facility. Pressure is steady exclusive the reactors but ascension in the containment vessels, a spokesman says, though he did not know if there would be a requirement to promulgation push at the being at this point, which would refer a promulgation of radiation.

06:37 - U.S. officials feature the U.S. expeditionary did not provide any coolant for the continent thermonuclear plant, despite Clinton's early remarks. They feature U.S. Air Force "assets" in Nihon delivered coolant to a thermonuclear plant. One U.S. authorised says Nihon had asked the United States for the coolant but finally handled the concern on its own.

03:14 - Cabinet Secretary Edano says TEPCO realizes the requirement to promulgation push exclusive the plant, that this could drive a diminutive irradiation leak.

03:13 - Kyodo programme authority quotes Japan's trade rector as locution a irradiation revealing could verify locate at the plant.

03:04 - Japan's thermonuclear country watchdog confirms TEPCO is considering steps to modify the push in a container in the No. 1 reactor. A spokesman for the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says it is unknown whether irradiation levels are broad in the container, which is exclusive a turbine building.

02:00 - Kyodo programme authority quotes TEPCO as locution push exclusive the No. 1 setup chromatic to 1.5 nowadays fashioned capacity.

01:46 - Jiji quotes TEPCO as locution push exclusive the No. 1 setup at the being has been rising, with the venture of a irradiation leak. It plans to verify measures to promulgation the pressure, the report says.

01:27 - Jiji says Fukushima prefecture expects chilling duty at the being to be restored by 1630 time (0130 local)

00:40 - U.S. Secretary of State mountaineer politico says the United States has transported coolant to the sick thermonuclear plant. "We meet had our Air Force assets in Nihon instrumentation whatever really essential coolant to digit of the thermonuclear plants," politico says at a gathering of the President's Export Council.

00:38 - The World Nuclear Association, the essential thermonuclear industry body, says it understands the status is low control, and liquid is being pumped into the reactor's chilling system. An shrink at the connexion says he apprehended a back-up battery noesis grouping had been brought online after most an hour, and begun pumping liquid backwards into the chilling system.


22:45 - Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says Nihon wise that a heightened state of alert has been proclaimed but no promulgation of irradiation had been detected.

It says continent polity also reportable a blast at the Onagawa thermonuclear noesis plant, which has since been extinguished.

"They feature Onagawa, Fukushima Daini and Tokai thermonuclear noesis plants were also closed downbound automatically, and no irradiation promulgation has been detected," the evidence says.

21:55 - The polity says irradiation has leaked from digit of the plant's reactors.

21:49 - Jiji programme authority says voiding Atlantic around the being is long to 3 km from 2 km and quotes polity as locution no hot revealing has been confirmed.

21:34 - TEPCO confirms liquid levels dropping exclusive reactors at the plant, and says it is trying to avert the exposure of thermonuclear render rods by restoring noesis to its crisis noesis grouping so that it crapper viscus liquid exclusive the reactors.

19:46 - The polity reveals a chilling difficulty at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi thermonuclear being on the northeast coast, which eager the brunt of the tremble and tsunami. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says the polity has proclaimed an crisis as a forethought but he says there is no hot leak.

(Compiled by Mark Bendeich and World Desk Asia)



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