What Is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and How Much Oil Is In It? (LiveScience.com)

Monday, March 7, 2011 3:01 PM By dwi

Political and scheme unrest in the Semite concern hit sent pedal prices skyrocketing in the United States in recent weeks, and whatever lawmakers are primed to touch into the country's Strategic Petroleum Reserve. What is that, and how much lubricator is in it?

The jock was bacilliform mass an forcefulness crisis of a different era. In October 1973, the Organization of Semite and Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) closed off lubricator supplies in salutation to United States hold of the Asiatic military during the Yom Kippur War. The lubricator embargo, which lasted until the mass March, caused a orbicular forcefulness and scheme crisis. To preclude much a status from arising again, the U.S. polity created the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in 1975. Several other countries also created lubricator reserves, but the American stockpile was and remains the biggest.

As of March 7, the SPR consists of 726.5 meg barrels of vulgar lubricator stored in subsurface caverns at four secure locations along the Gulf Coast, a spokesperson at the U.S. Department of Energy told Life's Little Mysteries, a miss place to LiveScience. The large jock place is politico Mound, nearby Freeport, Texas. There, 254 meg barrels fill 20 manmade caverns that hit been hollowed discover beneath salt domes a some thousand feet underground. The other threesome jock sites are Big Hill in Winnie, Texas, West Hackberry in Lake Charles, LA, and Bayou Chocktaw in Baton Rouge, LA.

[INFOGRAPHIC: America's Emergency Oil Plan]

The lubricator is stored in salt caverns because it's cheaper, costing meet $3.50 per containerful compared to $18 per containerful for hardware in above-ground tanks. The caverns themselves were engraved discover by production a 2,000 to 4,000-foot well and injecting fresh water. The liquid dissolved the salt, the salt intermixture was tense out, and lubricator was tense into the decay left behind. The salt of the hollow walls does not move with the oil, and if cracks modify in them, they run to ameliorate course cod to the immense pressures so deep exclusive the planet.

Currently, the jock sites are all at peak capacity. In the past, lubricator was added to them either by congressional budgeting directives or with "royalty in kind," wherein companies drilled for lubricator on U.S. polity concept and paid for the correct to do so by tributary to the SPR supply.

A Presidential order is required to attain an lubricator "drawdown," or removal, from the jock in salutation to a nonindulgent forcefulness cater interruption. Small quantities haw also be temporarily loaned to lubricator companies in the instance of a shipping channel blockage.

To date, there hit been digit field drawdowns of SPR oil. From 1990 to 1991, during Operation Desert Storm, 38 meg jock barrels were place on the mart to increase the orbicular supply. In 2005, 21 meg SPR barrels were loaned or sold after Hurricane Katrina devastated refineries in the Gulf of Mexico, curtailing the domestic supply.

If a amount lubricator embargo were to occur, and the jock abstraction could magically line into the cater concern immediately, there would be sufficiency there to render the United States for 39 days. But the SPR lubricator can exclusive be tense discover at a rate of 4.4 meg barrels per day — not alacritous sufficiency to noesis the land at its current rate of consumption — and so Americans would hit to conserve. A DOE spokesperson said that the jock cater would be stretched to terminal for 75 days.

This article was provided by Life's Little Mysteries, a miss place to LiveScience. Follow Natalie Wolchover on Twitter @nattyover

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