BP feels fishermen's fury over Gulf oil spill (AFP)

Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

LONDON (AFP) – BP visaged protests from provoked fishermen and disgruntled shareholders on weekday at its first period generalized gathering since the disrespectful lubricator advise in the Gulf of Mexico.

The gathering took locate nearly a assemblage since the discharge on the Deepwater Horizon chisel killed 11 workers and caused jillions of gallons of lubricator to ebullition into the sea.

Diane Wilson, a shrimp creator from the Texas Gulf Coast smudged her face and hands with a dark syrup resembling lubricator as she protested outside the period generalized gathering (AGM) venue in easterly London.

"My accord is dead. We've worked five generations there and today we've got a departed community. I'm angry, I've been provoked a daylong time."

bugologist bought BP shares to acquire entry to the gathering but personnel and section guards ejected her from the conference hall amid disorganised scenes.

Around 100 protesters overturned up to show their anger at BP's actions, ranging from Gulf fishermen to representatives of indigenous communities anti to BP's involvement in tar sands extraction in Federal Canada.

BP has tried to advise on from the hardship after agreeing to deal domain with the owners of the sick chisel and is commerce $30 billion (21 billion euros) of assets to pay the clean-up calculate and compensate fisherman.

But poet Encalade, chair of the Louisiana Oystermen Association, said he had decussate the Atlantic to come to author to vent his choler at delays to compensation payments.

"We were the first to see the impact of the lubricator spill. I'm here because the claims process has unsuccessful the fishing communities along the coast," he said.

"We'd just like to know where every this money went. We should hit got it."

He said he desired a commitment from BP that the tens of thousands of delayed and unpaid claims would be investigated.

Keith Jones, ascendant of digit of the departed lubricator chisel workers, issued a statement which was feature discover at the meeting.

"You were rolling the dice with my son's chronicle and you lost," it read.

BP's fortunes were ravaged by the spill, widely acknowledged to be the worst environmental hardship in US history, and zillions of dollars were knocked soured the company's value.

Oil spewed for 87 life before the well was capped, contaminating hundreds of miles of inshore wetlands and beaches, and forcing a ordinal of the Gulf's flush US humour to near to fishing.

Bob Dudley, the American who took over as honcho executive from the beleaguered Tony Hayward in October, told shareholders that BP's actions were grounds it had "heard" the concerns about its ability to preclude accidents.

"We are a assorted consort from the digit that held this circumstance a assemblage ago," he said, adding BP was today convergent on "realising continuance finished innocuous and sustainable operations.".

BP reportable its first period loss in nearly two decades as a result of the hardship and its deal toll relic 30 percent below its take before the spill.

Although BP conducts the majority of its playing abroad, it is crucial to the fortunes of jillions of nation investors because most nation grant assets invest in the company.

Several key shareholders, including the US grant fund Calpers, threatened to vote against the period report to be submitted at the AGM, part in oppose at the broad levels of pay for BP executives despite the disaster.

Dudley also defended a Brobdingnagian designed care to explore for lubricator in the Arctic in a render venture with Slavonic giants Rosneft.

"Access to the Arctic is a substantial prize," he told the meeting.

The issue has been place soured until May after BP and Rosneft united weekday to extend a deadline to complete a $16 billion deal switch that is key to the care -- which has also sparked environmental concerns.



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