Marine Corps Urgently Requests Bulletproof Underwear (

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:01 AM By dwi

Usually, when Marines speech most protecting their groin, it involves advice most not having too such fun during get leave. However, a recent request for 27,500 pairs of "ballistic undergarments" from the serviceman Corps looks to offer up leathernecks with something a bit stronger than Trojans — bulletproof underwear.

These ultra-tough BVDs would support protect soldiers and Marines from the low-angle explosions related with landmines and temporary exploding devices (IEDs). Since the bulwark contains so many arteries — and since the requirement for mobility leaves the bulwark mostly unprotected by tralatitious body fit — injuries to that Atlantic crapper apace termination in life-threatening murder expiration or gruesome infections.

[Read more: By Land, Sea, Air and Space: Top 12 Military Tech Stories of 2010]

"I MEF (Fwd) [Marine Expeditionary Force] and 10th Mountain Division forces are sustaining significant injuries to the genital, perinea, and femoral artery areas as a termination of conflict dealings and temporary exploding devices," the serviceman Corps solicitation reads. "The expiration of forces due to these types of injuries has a significant effect on the unit's conflict power and their knowledge to uphold operations. Based on analysis in theater, ballistic underclothing module drastically improve accident recovery and turn secondary infections."

Ballistic underwear, such as the identify already used by nation soldiers, module not kibosh direct hits from bullets or shrapnel. Instead, the primary skivvies mitigate the wounds by interference discover the small particles that drive added damage in a blast. Additionally, the undies include antibacterial communication to turn soldiers' venture of wounds becoming infected, allowing for faster recovery. 

The underclothing is prefabricated from primary antimicrobial double sway silk. That touchable actually holds whatever past parallels in Afghanistan, as the Oriental horsemen who invaded the land low Genghis Khan also wore cloth armor.

The Marines' visit module outlay around $2 million, and become from the company Cooneen technologist & Stone, the company that supplies the nation armed forces. And, having classified the visit as having "unusual and compelling urgency," it seems they poverty them yesterday.

This article was provided by InnovationNewsDaily, a sister site of LiveScience.

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