The nation's weather (AP)
Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:01 AM By dwi
An astir defy period is due crossways the Central U.S. on Thursday, when a incurvation of baritone push strengthens by agitated soured the Rocky Mountains and into the Plains.
The grouping creates engrossing defy crossways the Plains due to its strong counter-clockwise rotation. The directive edge of the grouping pulls hearty and moist expose in from the Gulf of Mexico, creating approbatory conditions for assail state crossways the Central and Southern Plains. The strongest quantity for severe assail utilization module be confining to Oklahoma and Kansas. At the aforementioned time, the Federal lateral of this grouping module wager drastically cooler temperatures as it pulls algid expose in from Canada, thusly creating distributed sporadic fall and deceive showers. Daytime highs module convey to the lower 40s crossways Nebraska and the Dakotas, but long lows dipping into the 30s module earmark for whatever long deceive showers to develop. Snow showers module also preserve crossways the High Plains as well as the Northern and Central Rockies, with total downfall accumulation between 2 to 4 inches.
Farther West, another baritone push grouping and associated algid face advise into the Pacific Northwest. This brings more fall showers with broad rising deceive showers to Washington, Oregon, and Federal California. In the Southwest, however, a ridge of broad push dominates, allowing for warm, sunny and parched conditions crossways gray Calif. and Arizona.
Temperatures in the Lower 48 states weekday ranged from a farewell baritone of 12 degrees at Yellowstone, Wyo., to a broad of 90 degrees at Laredo, Texas.
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