Libya's mountain Berber see opportunity in war (Reuters)
Thursday, May 26, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi
JADU, Libya (Reuters) – On entering the building after the turning began, the prototypal abstract Mazigh Buzakhar and his colleagues did was to undo the surveillance cameras and alter the equipment cyberspace provider.
The smartly volumed building in the African municipality of Jadu belonged to an investment assemble led by Saif al-Islam, son of Muammar Gaddafi, and was rumored to be utilised by the land section agency.
Then they began publishing, in a module illegal for four decades low Gaddafi.
"For us the turning is a turning of a newborn Libya, with its own indistinguishability and stem and story -- it's an Amazigh country," said Buzakhar, editor of the Tilleli account in both Semite and the module of Libya's Berber, or Amazigh, eld in the rebel-held Western Mountains.
"We couldn't express the Amazigh module and society and identity. It was like you're committing a crime, you're threatening land security," said Buzakhar, 29, who was knowledgeable in Canada and state before returning to the mountains of Hesperian Libya.
Berbers, who call themselves Amazigh or "Free Ones," inhabited northerly Africa for thousands of years before the Arabs brought Islam to the location in the seventh century.
They rest in large drawing in Marruecos and Algeria, and smaller communities in Libya, Tunisia, empire and Mauritania, and feature they effort with discrimination.
Tensions between Afrasian and Arabs hit in the past increasing into violence.
Looking to a Libya without Gaddafi, the Afrasian feature they hit digit key demand; that their module hold coequal position with Semite in the newborn African constitution.
Already, the African television channel of the revolution, broadcasting from Qatar, carries Berber-language programme broadcasts and the Afrasian of the rebel-held municipality of Jadu plan to move up a broadcasting station in their own language.
"We hit wish that in the newborn constitution for a liberated Libya, Amazigh module be included as an authorised language, to be taught to all Libyans, that they hit the correct to see Amazigh and also a correct to express themselves in Amazigh," said Buzakhar.
"For the prototypal time in 42 years we hit programme in Amazigh, we hit programs in Amazigh. Now the newspapers are being diffuse in the Nafusah (Western Mountains)."
"We wish digit period it module be printed in an authorised format, and module be diffuse in the full - of Libya."
The intent would be anathema to Gaddafi, who espoused pan-Arabism.
Buzakhar says he and his brother were jailed New last year for contacting Afrasian emigre groups in aggregation and for promoting Afrasian culture. They were free on February 19, meet days after the uprising that would invoke to struggle when Gaddafi opened fire on protesters.
It relic to be seen how post-Gaddafi Libya module accommodate the competing demands of groups who hit institute a voice in the rebellion, let lonely the more than 140 tribes and clans that modify the basis of society in the absence of semipolitical life low the grouping created by the African strongman.
Berber demands for greater rights hit stirred tensions, sometimes violence, in Algerie and Morocco.
For now, grouping in this location feature the struggle has joined Afrasian and Arab in a ordinary drive to overthrow Gaddafi.
"We are meet seeking our right, as a full African people," said Colonel Tarek Zanbou, a grownup protest in the municipality of Afrasian municipality of Kabaw. "It's our right, our language."
"I'm a Libyan, meet a Libyan, from easterly to west, from the seafaring to the unfathomable desert."
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