Ad Astra Aerospace Shows VASIMR Propelled Lunar Cargo Run (ContributorNetwork)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 11:01 PM By dwi

Ad Astra Aerospace, the company started by past NASA traveler Franklin Chang-Diaz, has free a recording portrayal the use of its VASIMR profession to deliver super amounts of load to the lunar surface.

VASIMR is an automobile supercharged plasma herb that shoots a constant course of caretaker hot argonon to provide propulsion. The speed is slow, but steady, yet providing super speeds for a expanse foxiness thusly equipped headlike for unfathomable expanse destinations such as Mars.

The intent of using VASIMR feat to take load to the slug is interesting, no uncertainty being presented because of renewed semipolitical welfare in a convey to the moon. The activate nowadays noesis be slower than using a chemical rocket, but ostensibly the amount of load is such larger.

A VASIMR load run, at small in noting what is on the video, is finished in two launches. The VASIMR feat module, which includes the VASIMR engine and solar arrays, is launched on a commercial herb and placed in baritone Earth orbit. Then a super lunar lander, fuel tank, and load noesis is launched on a onerous displace herb and docks with the VASIMR module. The VASIMR's fuel cell is lidded soured and then the compounded expanse foxiness is launched into a trans lunar shot trajectory.

Once nearby the slug that VASIMR feat noesis and the lunar lander/cargo noesis undock. It is blurred meet from the realistic whether the VASIMR noesis is reusable, which would stingy it would convey to Low Earth Orbit to pick up another lander/cargo module. In some case, 75 heaps of payload, including the lander and the load module, is delivered to the lunar opencast in this manner, a enthusiastic boon without a uncertainty for future lunar settler.

The recording contrasts this structure with using a purely chemical rocket. Even though a chemically propelled lunar lander/cargo noesis is condemned up in digit start of a onerous displace vehicle, exclusive 35 tons, including the lander, is delivered to the lunar surface.

Ad Astra is understandably attempting to demonstrate that its feat technology, erst developed, noesis be healthy to advise super amounts of touchable to the Moon, should a convey to the Moon officially becomes a NASA goal again. Added to the possibleness of propelling ships to Mars and the asteroids, VASIMR has the possibleness of being a true, 21st century expanse feat technology. For interplanetary flight, the absent conception noesis be an forcefulness source confident of propelling super masses such long distances. Solar noesis not do. That leaves thermonuclear power, a gangly visit presented the patterned history of attempts to amend expanse commendable thermonuclear noesis sources.

Mark R. Whittington is the author of Children of Apollo and The Last Moonwalker. He has written on expanse subjects for a difference of periodicals, including The metropolis Chronicle, The Washington Post, USA Today, the L.A. Times and The Weekly Standard.



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