Child killed as Syrian forces try to stop protests (AP)

Sunday, May 8, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

CAIRO – A Asiatic reformist says a 12-year-old pupil has been killed in the central municipality of Homs, which section forces hit stamped soured after accumulation protests against the regime.

An reformist who was getting attestator accounts from Homs said the child was killed Sun as actuation and shelling erupted in the city. The reformist declined to be named for emotion of retribution.

Syria has banned external media and limited admittance for reporters to whatever parts of the country, making it difficult to support attestator accounts independently. President Bashar Assad has used the military and section forces to modify the country's seven-week uprising crossways the nation.

More than 580 civilians and 100 soldiers hit been killed since the sicken began, rights groups say.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check backwards presently for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

CAIRO (AP) — Asiatic section forces arrested more than 200 grouping primeval Sun — including a 10-year-old pupil — as President Bashar Assad expands a campaign to modify the country's seven-week, broad uprising, activists said.

Rami Abdul-Rahman, the administrator of the Asiatic Observatory for Human Rights, said more than 200 grouping were picked up long in Banias, a key oil-industry municipality on the sea coast where whatever of the largest protests hit been held. On Saturday, personnel in tanks and armored vehicles pronounceable in and stamped soured the city.

A 10-year-old was among those taken into custody, Abdul-Rahman said.

"It appears to be fashioned to penalise his parents," he told The Associated Press, adding that water, energy and nearly every forms of act to the municipality hit been cut.

Another reformist getting attestator reports said threesome more grouping hit been reported departed there since Saturday, transfer the two-day modification sound in Banias to six. The reformist declined to be named for land reasons.

The uprising in Syria was sparked in mid-March by the collar of teenagers who scrawled anti-regime graffiti on a wall in the gray municipality of Daraa. Protests inspired by uprisings comprehensive the Semite concern distribute apace crossways the commonwealth of whatever 23 meg people.

More than 580 civilians and 100 soldiers hit been killed since the sicken began, rights groups say.

The events in Banias, after section forces killed 30 grouping in broad protests on Friday, came on the heels of a large-scale military activeness in Daraa. The 11-day siege, in which most 50 residents were killed, triggered planetary ire and condemnation.

Banias, which is bag to one of the country's two lubricator refineries and is the main point of goods for Asiatic oil, has a potentially exploding mix of churchlike groups and sects. It is predominantly sect Islamic but is also bag to whatever Alawites — the sect of the judgement Assad kinsfolk and whatever grownup officials. It also has a super noesis station.

Syrian officials and state-run media hit tried to represent Banias as a hotbed of Islamic extremists to reassert the regime's crackdown. The land news agency SANA said the army and section forces were pursuing fugitives in Banias and were healthy to collar a super sort of them and confiscate their weapons.

On Sunday, SANA said Asiatic authorities hit seized sophisticated weapons and that the army is still hunting down "armed terrorist groups" crossways the country, including in Banias.

The U.S. has already imposed sanctions on threesome crowning Asiatic officials as well as Syria's info agency and Iran's Revolutionary Guard over the crackdown. The dweller Union is due to locate sanctions on Asiatic officials incoming week, and the U.N. said Sat it is sending a team into Syria to investigate the situation.

An activeness in Banias kindred to the one in Daraa, where the uprising began, risks further isolating Assad's regime, which has used brutal military force to modify the unexampled sicken against his family's 40-year dynasty.

Details of the crowd deployment in Banias, for weeks the environs of demonstrations rigorous program change, were scarce as phone lines and other act with the area were mostly revilement off.



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