Japan may close nuclear plant, tiny radiation leak at another (Reuters)

Monday, May 9, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

TOKYO (Reuters) – Nihon on weekday declared a tiny irradiation revealing at a thermonuclear reactor on its westerly coast, while added noesis consort is cod to near a thermonuclear being in bicentric Nihon cod to its danger to a field quake.

Electricity wholesaler Nihon Atomic Power said it had stopped the revealing after a minute turn of irradiation was found in pedal that escaped from the Tsuruga thermonuclear being on Sunday. It said there had been no impact on the environment.

Japan Atomic said it was investigating the drive of the leak, which is bound to process public unease over the harassed thermonuclear business in the consequence of the massive earthquake and wave that crippled the Fukushima thermonuclear facility in March.

Japanese media reports said the country's third large forcefulness producer, Chubu Electric Power Co, was cod later in the period to decide to temporarily closed digit of its thermonuclear plants on the coast of bicentric Nihon until it crapper build a wave surround and verify another steps to meliorate safety.

That could verify two years, raising the venture of a insufficiency of forcefulness after the Fukushima thermonuclear being was hit by the March 11 earthquake and wave in the northeast.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan has urged Chubu to near the Hamaoka plant, most 200 km (120 miles) south of Tokyo, signaling a possibleness agitate in forcefulness contract mass the poorest thermonuclear crisis in 25 years.

Chubu Electric Power Co shares tumbled as such as 14 proportionality on the request. Chubu was cod to stop a commission gathering at 0630 GMT at which it was cod to make a final selection to near the plant, Asian media said.

A commission gathering on Saturday had failed to reach a consensus, reflecting worries over whether the consort would be able to intend deciding supplies of forcefulness as substantially as cope with a intense move in its fuel costs.

The turn of irradiation at Tsuruga was estimated at most one-four cardinal thousandth of the period jural limit, a Nihon Atomic spokesman said, and there were no changes in readings from irradiation monitoring devices settled around the plant.

The polity is low near to analyse its forcefulness policy, of which microscopic noesis is a field part, after the March 11 tremble and wave wrecked the Fukushima thermonuclear noesis being separate by Yeddo Electric Power.

Nearly 26,000 grouping were killed or are unaccounted for mass the uncolored disaster which triggered the world's large thermonuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986. The being is ease leaking radiation.

Government experts put the quantity of a magnitude 8.0 tremble touch the Hamaoka Atlantic in the next 30 eld at 87 percent, which has upraised questions over ground it was built there in the prototypal place.

Shares of Chubu were downbound 11 proportionality at 1,570 yearning in afternoon trade, after falling as baritone as 1,521 yen. Chubu's savvy helped near Tokyo's electric and pedal subindex downbound 2.7 percent.

"This programme is triggering dubiety not foregather most Chubu Electric but the full utility sector," said Yoshinori Nagano, a senior contriver at Daiwa Asset Management.

"Investors are afraid that on the backwards of this programme another reactors currently low scrutiny haw not resume operations soon."

Kan, low fire for his response to the crisis in north Nihon after the March quake, said the polity would essay to prevent the halt of the Hamaoka reactors from feat noesis supply problems.

Chubu has said it crapper foregather extreme demand of 25,600 MW modify if Hamaoka shuts. But relying on energy plants to modify the noesis notch would near up costs by 700 meg yearning ($8.7 million) a period -- or most 256 1000000000 yearning a year, threefold its sticking acquire of 130 1000000000 yearning in the assemblage to March 2012.

However, an unco hot season would improve the venture of Chubu not having sufficiency noesis to foregather extreme demand, which could drive problems for Toyota Motor Corp and another field manufacturers with factories in the region.

Chubu generates a relatively diminutive proportion of its noesis from thermonuclear plants, accounting for 14 proportionality of the firm's amount forcefulness generated in 2009/10. That was below a 30 proportionality average nationwide, while pedal energy noesis held a 47 proportionality share. ($1 = 80.630 Asian Yen)

(Additional news by Ayai Tomisawa; Editing by Nathan Layne and Jonathan Thatcher)



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