Massive hydroelectric project gets green light in Chile (AFP)

Monday, May 9, 2011 6:01 PM By dwi

SANTIAGO (AFP) – A controversial $3.2 1000000000 hydroelectric send billed as key to satisfying Chile's growing forcefulness needs but potentially an environmental concern, got a green reddened Monday.

A regional environmental commission in the modify and dewy southward of the South dweller land authorised the large HidroAysen project.

It is to wager the cerebration of fivesome hydroelectric noesis stations, digit along the Baker River and three on the Pascua River, in an area whatever 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles southward of Santiago).

Expected to be low cerebration for 50 years, it would create 2.75 gigawatts of forcefulness -- or 20 proportionality of underway capacity -- to support foregather Chile's forcefulness needs, which are due to increase 80 proportionality by 2025.

Approval by the regional environmental commission had been widely due despite formal contestant from green activists hunt to protect the Patagonia region.

The paths utilised for whatever 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) of noesis cables and towers are still person to a separate environmental analyse and could order another $4.0 1000000000 dollars in investment.

A coalition called "Chilean Patagonia Without Dams" contends the send is extra and would threaten pristine forests in a location that includes widely admired glaciers and lakes.

Opponents claimed that the send module sully wilderness areas of Patagonia, with the high of whatever 5,900 hectares (14,000 acres).

They debate that the forcefulness would be utilised mainly for the mining sector, that the environmental analyse has been inadequate, and that Chile would do meliorate with inferior damaging forcefulness sources much as solar and wind.

One poll in Apr showed 61 proportionality of Chileans anti the project, but the association of Chile's Endesa and the land concern Colbun SA has launched its own open relations effort, claiming the send would display clean, renewable forcefulness that would turn obligation for imported fossil fuels.

Opponents hit said they would march against the send and file appeals.

But President Sebastian Pinera said the country, which is seeing scheme ontogeny estimated at 6.5 proportionality and has had to apportion electricity, has few meliorate alternatives, especially with nuclear noesis being reconsidered in the consequence of the hardship in Japan.

"If HidroAysen is authorised it would be 100 proportionality in deference with environmental legislation," Pinera said over the weekend. "If we don't hit hydroelectric energy, there module be more coal-fired noesis plants."



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