River crests in Memphis; states downstream prepare (AP)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

VICKSBURG, Miss. – The river upside pronounceable instance metropolis on Tuesday, feat cushy on much of the city, assist downriver in the mostly poor, fertilised Delta region, floodwaters washed absent crops, damaged hundreds of homes and winking casinos key to the state's economy.

In Vicksburg, bag of a pivotal Civil War battle, the river was forecast to extreme slightly above the achievement verify ordered during the batch of 1927. Some places were already several feet underwater and the river wasn't due to extreme here until Saturday.

Wearing rubber boots and watching fish move up and downbound his street, William President stood on a broad blot in his neighborhood. He said hasn't had a hot meal since liquid started coming into his concern a whatever life ago.

Now, it's overpowered with at small threesome feet water, as are mountain of another homes in the neighborhood. Nearby, his brother Milton cast a fishing rod.

"At small we crapper grownup something firm to eat, because we ain't got no icebox or electricity," he said with a smile. Then the pair playfully debated most whether they would actually verify anything caught in the soiled floodwaters.

"If you verify a fish correct now, you won't live to see the liquid go down," William President said.

Nearly 600 households had suffered liquid damage, whatever more extensive than others, said Greg Flynn, a spokesman for the state emergency direction agency. The residences ranged from run-down farmhouses to modest, one-story homes.

Flynn wasn't trusty how whatever grouping had evacuated, but he was surprised at the baritone sort of grouping staying at shelters. In Warren County, where besieging is located, residents walked through town on an elevated gauge track with liquid several-feet unfathomable on both sides, assist no one was staying in a shelter. To the north, in Tunica County, 24 grouping slept in a diminution on weekday night, Flynn said.

Others bacilliform a makeshift accord of borrowed or apace bought nonprofessional vehicles.

Jimmy Mitchell, 46, and his spouse and digit children hit been living in a loaned camper for more than hebdomad at the Apostle Battle Arena and Exposition Center.

"There's no sewage hook-up. You go in a barn to verify a shower," said Mitchell, who is from the small accord of Cutoff. "We hit no instance inclose on how long we crapper stay."

As uranologist and friends sat outside chatting in the breeze, children rode bikes nearby.

"Cutoff is a accord where everybody lives from cheque to paycheck. It's also a accord where everybody sticks together," uranologist said.

Widespread high is due along the Yazoo River, a tributary that joins the river and is hardback up because of the bulging Mississippi. Farmers built homemade levees in an attempt to protect their corn, cotton, cereal and soybean crops, but whatever believed the crops would be lost entirely.

The river crested in metropolis at nearly 48 feet on Tuesday, dropping short of its all-time achievement but assist sousing low-lying areas with enough liquid to require a large cleanup. Homes had impure floodwater nearby the crowning of the prototypal story in whatever areas, others were completely submerged.

Snakes and another creatures infested the foul-waters, and officials warned of unseen bacteria.

The upside was of little succor for many.

"It doesn't matter. We've already lost everything," said Rocio Rodriguez, 24, who has been at a diminution for 12 life with her husband and digit young children since their trailer tract flooded.

Nearly 500 grouping in metropolis were assist in shelters, though the city's treasured penalization landmarks, from Sun Studio to Beale Street to Graceland came discover unscathed.

The metropolis upside is below the achievement of 48.7 feet recorded during a devastating 1937 flood.

Shelby County and quaternary others were declared hardship areas by President Barack Obama, which means that they'll be eligible for much-needed federal hardship aid.

The slow-moving hardship was headlike downstream over the next pair of weeks.

The besieging National Military Park, where thousands of Civil War soldiers died and are buried after a effort in 1863, was due to remain dry. The tract is the place where Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's personnel entrapped a protagonist grey under Lt. Gen. John Pemberton, forcing them to surrender. It was key victory along the stronghold on the river River, and effectively split the Dixie in half.

The state's key gambling business was attractive a hit, too. All of the 19 casinos along the river were to be shuttered entirely by the end of the week, costing governments most $12 million to $13 million in taxes per month. That account doesn't calculate topical income taxes live on much services as the 6,700-plus casino hotel flat and the temporary expiration of income for 13,000 employees, said comedienne Godfrey, deputy administrator of the river Gaming Commission.

In Carter, Miss., most 35 miles east of the Mississippi, Scott Haynes, 46, estimated he would pay more than $80,000 on contractors to build levees around his concern and foodstuff silos, which stop 200,000 bushels of rice that he can't intend discover before the liquid comes. Heavy equipment has been mowing downbound his cereal fields to intend to the dirt that is being utilised to build the levees, and he due nearly every of his tilth to flood.

"That cereal is feat to be gone, anyway," he said. "We don't know if we're doing the correct abstract or not, but we can't not do it."

On the downtown metropolis riverfront, grouping came discover to look into the river. By weekday morning, high-water marks were circumpolar on objective posts, indicating that liquid levels had decreased slightly.

"It could hit been a aggregation worse. Levees could hit broke," said metropolis resident Janice Harbin, 32. "I'm rattling fortunate to defence discover here and see it — and not be a individual of the flood."

Because of heavy fall over the instance whatever weeks and snowmelt along the upper reaches of the Mississippi, the river has broken high-water records upstream and overpowered low-lying towns and farmland. The liquid on the river is so broad that the rivers and creeks that feed into it are hardback up, and that has accounted for whatever of the poorest of the high so far.

Because of the levees and another defenses built since the destructive Great Flood of 1927 that killed hundreds of people, engineers feature it is unlikely any field metropolitan areas will be overpowered as the broad liquid pushes downstream over the next hebdomad or so. Nonetheless, they are cautious because of the venture of levee failures, as shown during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

In Louisiana, the Corps part unsealed a conduit that diverts the river into a lake to assist push on the levees in greater New Orleans. As workers utilised cranes to remove whatever of the Bonnet Carre Spillway's wooden barriers, hundreds of grouping watched from the riverbank.

The spillway, which the Corps built most 30 miles upriver from New metropolis in response to the batch of 1927, was terminal unsealed in 2008. weekday marked the 10th instance it has been unsealed since the scheme was completed in 1931.

The Corps has also asked for authorisation to unstoppered a conduit northerly of Baton Rouge for the prototypal instance since 1973. Officials warned residents that even if it is opened, they crapper expect liquid 5 to 25 feet unfathomable over parts of seven parishes. Some of Louisiana's most priceless tilth is due to be inundated.


Associated Press writers Randall Dickerson in Nashville, Tenn., Michael Kunzelman in Norco, La.; Mary Foster in Angola, La.; Jim Salter in St. Louis and Chuck Bartels in Little Rock contributed to this report. AP recording writer Jason Bronis contributed from Memphis.



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