Why Extroverts Are Happier Than Introverts (LiveScience.com)

Thursday, May 5, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

Extroverts are the cheeriest personality type, and a newborn think finds that the root of their healthiness haw be in their memories.

People who are extroverted remember the instance in a more constructive reddened than another personality types, researchers inform in the June supply of the book Personality and Individual Differences. This rose-tinged position explains such of the healthiness gap between extroverts and grouping who are neurotic, a personality trait marked by anxiety and irritability.

"We institute that highly extroverted grouping are happier with their lives because they run to hold a positive, unhappy analyse of the instance and are inferior probable to hit perverse thoughts and regrets," think scientist Ryan Howell, a psychologist at San Francisco State University, said in a statement. "People high on the compulsive bit essentially hit the literal oppositeness analyse of the instance and are inferior bright as a result." [Read: Happiness Falling as Recession's Psychological Toll Continues]

Howell and his co-author asked 754 collegian students to rank a program of questionnaires on personality, chronicle spirit and personal memories online. They institute that those who were extroverted -- a personality trait defined by high energy and the tendency to seek the consort of others -- were most probable to request beatific things from the instance and emphasise the bad.

In fact, having a more constructive and inferior perverse analyse of the instance explained 45 proportionality of the link between extroversion and greater chronicle satisfaction. For compulsive types, a more perverse and inferior constructive analyse of the instance explained half of the link between their personality identify and healthiness level.

It's thickened to modify your personality, but the find is beatific programme for those who'd same to feel happier most life, Howell said. Savoring bright memories or rewriting depressing ones in an optimistic reddened could help, he said: "You haw be healthy to edit your analyse of instance and boost your happiness."

Past investigate has multifarious on whether a person's personality crapper change, with one think suggesting patch a mortal haw not be healthy to alter from a compulsive to an extrovert, we crapper modify subtle, still critical, aspects of personality. Another recent think suggests our personality is set by prototypal grade.

And as is hinted in this study, personality can't explain 100 proportionality of our happiness. Though a complex topic, scientists are uncovering everything from religion to money to act crapper effect healthiness levels.

You crapper follow LiveScience senior writer Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas. Follow LiveScience for the stylish in power programme and discoveries on Twitter @livescience and on Facebook.

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