Shell to submit new Arctic offshore drilling plan (AP)

Monday, May 2, 2011 7:01 PM By dwi

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Shell Oil module apply to learn 10 wells soured Alaska's Arctic get over the incoming digit eld low expedition plans headlike to federal authorities.

The consort hopes to see results from a $3.5 1000000000 assets into Arctic Ocean production that has been thwarted in past eld by suite challenges or quality to obtain federal permits.

"Maybe quaternary nowadays is a charm," said Pete Slaiby, Shell Alaska evilness president, on Monday. "This is our ordinal Beaufort Sea expedition organisation that has absent down the pike. And incoming hebdomad it module be the second Chukchi expedition plan. We see that we've got pretty good and burly plans."

Shell Alaska spokesman phytologist Smith said the consort module essay authorisation to learn quaternary wells in the Beaufort Sea soured Alaska's north get and six in the Chukchi Sea soured the state's northwest get using digit production ships in 2012 and 2013.

Drilling is bitter anti by environmental activists and whatever Alaska Native groups, who feature petroleum companies hit not demonstrated the knowledge to clean up a move in ice-choked waters. Critics contend leases in the Chukchi Sea were auctioned soured before comely environmental studies were performed to watch how production and the concomitant industrial activity would affect endangered whales and another wildlife — including polar bears, pinnatiped and ice seals.

The stakes are broad for both the state of Alaska — where onshore force hit diminished and the trans-Alaska scuttlebutt today operates at inferior than one-third capacity — and for the rest of the land hunting to modify its dependency on imported oil. But in reddened of environmental concerns — and terminal year's disaster in the Gulf of Mexico — federal regulators are proceeding cautiously.

Federal officials estimate Arctic waters stop 26 meg barrels of recoverable lubricator and 130 1E+12 cubic feet of natural gas.

Shell obtained leases in the Beaufort Sea soured Alaska's north shore in 2005 and in 2008 spent $2.2 1000000000 on leases in the Chukchi soured the state's northwest coast.

The consort had hoped to learn expedition wells in 2010 during the roughly three and a half period open water season in both the Chukchi and the Beaufort but its plans were place on stop by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar after the Deepwater Horizon spill.

Salazar suspended applications for production and has said the department module verify a incommunicative approach guided by power and the voices of North Slope communities.

Shell's 2011 plans titled for production only in the Beaufort. The consort in Feb dropped those plans. The selection was prefabricated after an appeals commission of the Environmental Protection Agency said it would analyse the expose accept the agency had granted regarding the gist of emissions from production ships and hold vessels.

Shell officials hit said a catastrophic substantially blowout kindred to terminal year's disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is unlikely because its plans mitigate digit key contributing factors. Shell intends to learn in shallower waters. Also, consort officials wait farther inferior push on their wellhead.

Shell submitted a salutation organisation that it says crapper handle a move of 504,000 gallons per day — more than threefold what federal regulators said would be a worst-case discharge from the preliminary wells it has practical for to date.

Smith says the consort expects to accede the organisation of expedition for the Beaufort on weekday and for the Chukchi soon.

Slaiby said Shell's previous expedition plans already had conventional the support of a federal appeals suite and module benefit from lessons scholarly from the Deepwater Horizon production rig at the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico.

"We're antiquity on what we had previously and we hit condemned and lifted, I think, the correct clog discover of the BP Macondo incident and prefabricated the plans even more robust," Slaiby said.

"We really had a good organisation that was site limited for Alaska, had looked at things like one-hour salutation time, and addressed a aggregation of the issues that folks were locution weren't available in the Gulf of Mexico."

He prefabricated an faith to the expose transport industry.

"There was a crash," Slaiby said. "People hit looked at what was deficient, and we shapely upon that. I understandably conceive that our organisation preceding was a good plan. Our organisation post is a meliorate plan."



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